2019 Statewide Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP) Book




Complete STIP Book.pdf

Complete STIP Book

Intro and Table of Contents.pdf

Preface and Table of Contents


State Certification Letters


Public Participation Process for STIP and STP


Public Participation Documents and Comments


Air Quality Conformity Determinations for Maintenance Areas


STIP Projects


Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Projects


Transportation Enhancement & Alternative Projects


Safe Routes To School Projects


Recreational Trail Projects


Public Transportation Projects


Aviation Projects 

Appendix B.pdf

Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Financial Plans 

Appendix C.pdf

Glossary of Transportation Terms and Abbreviations

Appendix D.pdf

Contact Addresses and Phone Numbers

Appendix E.pdf​Eastern Federal Lands Improvement Projects


​To submit comments regarding the FY 2019-2022 STIP, click here.

Amendments & Modifications

​Name​                                              Description

STIP Amendment 2018.001.pdf                 Owensboro-Daviess Co MPO Area's new TIP FY 2019-2024

STIP Amendment 2018.002.pdf                 Evansville-Henderson MPO Area's new TIP FY 2020-2024

STIP Amendment 2018.003.pdf                 OKI MPO Area's new TIP FY 2020-2023

STIP Amendment 2018.004.pdf                 Bowling Green-Warren Co MPO Area's new TIP FY 2019-2024

STIP Amendment 2018.005.pdf                 Clarksville MPO Area's new TIP FY 2020-2023

STIP Amendment 2018.006.pdf                 KIPDA MPO Area's new TIP FY 2020-2025

Amendment 2018.007.pdf                         OKI MPO Area's new TIP FY 2021-2024

STIP Amendment 2018.008.pdf                  KYOVA MPO Area's new TIP FY 2021-20204

STIP AMENDMENT 2018.009.pdf                Lexington MPO Area's new TIP FY 2021-2024

STIP AMENDMENT 2018.010.pdf                Evansville-Henderson MPO Area's new TIP FY 2022-2026

STIP MOD 2018.001.pdf                             KIPDA MPO Area Amendment#3

STIP MOD 2018.002.pdf                             OKI MPO Area Amendment#11

STIP MOD 2018.003.pdf                             Radcliff/Elizabethtown MPO Area Admin Mod#5

STIP MOD 2018.004.pdf                             Lincoln Co Project

STIP MOD 2018.005.pdf                             Fleming Co Project

STIP MOD 2018.006.pdf                             OKI MPO Area Amendment#12

STIP MOD 2018.007.pdf                             KYOVA MPO Area Amendment#6

STIP MOD 2018.008.pdf                             Logan Co Project

STIP MOD 2018.009.pdf                             Evansville-Henderson MPO Area Mod

STIP MOD 2018.010.pdf                             KIPDA MPO Area Admin Mod#25

STIP MOD 2018.011.pdf                             KYOVA MPO Area Amendment#7

STIP MOD 2018.012.pdf                             ZVarious Co Projects

STIP MOD 2018.013.pdf                             Various Co Projects

STIP MOD 2018.014.pdf                             Radcliff/Elizabethtown MPO Area Amendment#1

STIP MOD 2018.015.pdf                             Various Co Projects

STIP MOD 2018.016.pdf                             OKI MPO Area Amendment#13

STIP MOD 2018.017.pdf                             Various Co Projects

STIP MOD 2018.018.pdf                             KYOVA MPO Area Admin Mod#25

STIP MOD 2018.019.pdf                             Kentucky Public Transit Tier II Sponsor Transit Asset Management (TAM) Plan

STIP MOD 2018.020.pdf                             KIPDA MPO Area Admin Mod#26

STIP MOD 2018.021.pdf                             Various Co Projects

STIP MOD 2018.022.pdf                             Lexington MPO Area Admin Mod#14

STIP MOD 2018.023.pdf                             KYOVA MPO Area Admin Mod#27

STIP MOD 2018.024.pdf                             Lexington MPO Area Admin Mod#15

STIP MOD 2018.025.pdf                             KYOVA MPO Area Admin Mod#28

STIP MOD 2018.026.pdf                             Various Co Projects

STIP MOD 2018.027.pdf                             OKI MPO Area Amendment#14B

STIP MOD 2018.028.pdf                             OKI MPO Area Admin Mod#15

STIP MOD 2018.029.pdf                             Various Co Projects

STIP MOD 2018.030.pdf                             Various Co Projects

STIP MOD 2018.031.pdf                             KIPDA MPO Area Admin Mod#21

STIP MOD 2018.032.pdf                             Various Co Projects

STIP MOD 2018.033.pdf                             Lexington MPO Area Admin Mod#8

STIP MOD 2018.034.pdf                             OKI MPO Area Admin Mod#12

STIP MOD 2018.035.pdf                             KIPDA MPO Area (Various Admin Mods)

STIP MOD 2018.036.pdf                             KIPDA MPO Area Admin Mod#27

STIP MOD 2018.037.pdf                             KYOVA MPO Area Admin Mod#29

STIP MOD 2018.038.pdf                             OKI MPO Area Admin Mod#16

STIP MOD 2018.039.pdf                             Various Co Projects

STIP MOD 2018.040.pdf                             KYOVA MPO Area Admin Mod#30

 STIP MOD 2018.041.pdf                            Evansville-Henderson MPO Area Amendment

STIP MOD 2018.042.pdf                             Various Co Projects

 STIP MOD 2018.043.pdf                            Various Co Projects

STIP MOD 2018.044.pdf                             KYOVA MPO Area Admin Mod#31

STIP MOD 2018.045.pdf                             Evansville-Henderson MPO Area Admin Mod

STIP MOD 2018.046.pdf                             Various Co Projects

STIP MOD 2018.047.pdf                             OKI MPO Area Amendment#16

STIP MOD 2018.048.pdf                             Various Co Projects

STIP MOD 2018.049.pdf                             OKI MPO Area Admin Mod#17

STIP MOD 2018.050.pdf                             Franklin Co Projects

STIP MOD 2018.051.pdf                             KIPDA MPO Area Admin Mod#28

STIP MOD 2018.052.pdf                             Radcliff/Etown MPO Area Admin Mod#6

STIP MOD 2018.053.pdf                             Various Co Projects

STIP MOD 2018.054.pdf                             Bowling Green/Warren Co MPO Area Admin Mod#2019.03

STIP MOD 2018.055.pdf                             Lexington MPO Area Admin Mod#17

STIP MOD 2018.056.pdf                             Radcliff/Etown MPO Area Admin Mod#7

STIP MOD 2018.057.pdf                             KIPDA MPO Area Admin Mod#29

STIP MOD 2018.058.pdf                             KIPDA MPO Area Amendment#4

STIP MOD 2018.059.pdf                             Clarksville MPO Area Admin Mod#1

STIP MOD 2018.060.pdf                             KYOVA MPO Area Amendment#9

STIP MOD 2018.061.pdf                             Transit Project

STIP MOD 2018.062.pdf                             Transit Project

STIP MOD 2018.063.pdf                             Transit Project

STIP MOD 2018.064.pdf                             Breathitt Co Project

STIP MOD 2018.065.pdf                             Various Co Projects

STIP MOD 2018.066.pdf                             Bowling Green-Warren Co MPO Area Admin Mod#2019.04

STIP MOD 2018.067.pdf                             Various Co Projects

STIP MOD 2018.068.pdf                             OKI MPO Area Amendment#17

STIP MOD 2018.069.pdf                             OKI MPO Area Admin Mod#18

STIP MOD 2018.070.pdf                             Lexington MPO Area Admin Mod#18

STIP MOD 2018.071.pdf                             Radcliff-Elizabethtown MPO Area Admin Mod#8

STIP MOD 2018.072.pdf                             Lexington MPO Area Admin Mod#16

STIP MOD 2018.073.pdf                             Owensboro-Daviess Co MPO Area Admin Mod#1

STIP MOD 2018.074.pdf                             Edmonson Co Project

STIP MOD 2018.075.pdf                             Various Co Projects

STIP MOD 2018.076.pdf                             KYOVA MPO Area Admin Mod#35

STIP MOD 2018.077.pdf                             KIPDA MPO Area Admin Mod#31

STIP MOD 2018.078.pdf                             Various Co Projects

STIP MOD 2018.079.pdf                             Transit Project

STIP MOD 2018.080.pdf                             Owensboro-Daviess Co MPO Area Admin Mod#2

STIP MOD 2018.081.pdf                             Lexington MPO Area Admin Mod#19

STIP MOD 2018.082.pdf                             Evansville-Henderson MPO Area Amendment

STIP MOD 2018.083.pdf                             Shelby Co Project

STIP MOD 2018.084.pdf                             OKI MPO Area Admin Mod#19

 STIP MOD 2018.085.pdf                            Recreational Trails Projects

STIP MOD 2018.086.pdf                             FY 2020 SPR Program

STIP MOD 2018.087.pdf                             Various Co Projects

STIP MOD 2018.088.pdf                             KIPDA MPO Area Amendment#5

STIP MOD 2018.089.pdf                             Owensboro-Daviess Co MPO Area Admin Mod#3

STIP MOD 2018.090.pdf                             Calloway Co Project

STIP MOD 2018.091.pdf                             Various Co Projects

STIP MOD 2018.092.pdf                             Recreational Trails Projects

STIP MOD 2018.093.pdf                             KIPDA MPO Area Admin Mod#32

STIP MOD 2018.094.pdf                             Various Co Projects

STIP MOD 2018.095.pdf                             Letcher Co Project

STIP MOD 2018.096.pdf                             Fayette/Madison Co Project

STIP MOD 2018.097.pdf                             Monroe Co Project

STIP MOD 2018.098.pdf                             Various Co Projects

STIP MOD 2018.099.pdf                             Riverport Study Project

STIP MOD 2018.100.pdf                             Lexington MPO Area Admin Mod#19-Revised

STIP MOD 2018.101.pdf                             Various Co Projects

STIP MOD 2018.102.pdf                             Wolfe Co TAP Project

STIP MOD 2018.103.pdf                             Various Co Projects

STIP MOD 2018.104.pdf                             Various Co Projects

STIP MOD 2018.105.pdf                             Various Co TAP Projects

STIP MOD 2018.106.pdf                             OKI MPO Area Amendment#1

STIP MOD 2018.107.pdf                             KIPDA MPO Area Admin Mod#33

STIP MOD 2018.108.pdf                             Various Co TAP Projects

STIP MOD 2018.109.pdf                             Radcliff/Etown MPO Area Admin Mod#9

STIP MOD 2018.110.pdf                             Radcliff/Etown MPO Area Admin Mod#10

STIP MOD 2018.111.pdf                             Various Co Projects

STIP MOD 2018.112.pdf                             Various Co Projects

STIP MOD 2018.113.pdf                             Radcliff/Etown MPO Area Admin Mod#11

STIP MOD 2018.114.pdf                             KIPDA MPO Area Amendment#6

STIP MOD 2018.115.pdf                             Recreational Trails Projects

STIP MOD 2018.116.pdf                             Lexington MPO Area Admin Mod#20

STIP MOD 2018.117.pdf                             KIPDA MPO Area Admin Mod#34

STIP MOD 2018.118.pdf                             Various Co Projects

STIP MOD 2018.119.pdf                             Various Co Projects

STIP MOD 2018.120.pdf                             Recreational Trails Project

STIP MOD 2018.121.pdf                             KYOVA MPO Area Admin Mod#40

STIP MOD 2018.122.pdf                             KIPDA MPO Area Admin Mod#35

STIP MOD 2018.123.pdf                             Various Co Projects

STIP MOD 2018.124.pdf                             Lexington MPO Area Admin Mod#21

STIP MOD 2018.125.pdf                             Bowling Green-Warren Co MPO Area Admin Mod#2020.01

STIP MOD 2018.126.pdf                             Various Co Projects

STIP MOD 2018.127.pdf                             Bowling Green-Warren Co MPO Area Admin Mod#2020.02

STIP MOD 2018.128.pdf                             OKI MPO Area Admin Mod#2

STIP MOD 2018.129.pdf                             OKI MPO Area Amendment#2

STIP MOD 2018.130.pdf                             Recreational Trails Project

STIP MOD 2018.131.pdf                             KYOVA MPO Area Admin Mod#41

STIP MOD 2018.132.pdf                             KYOVA MPO Area Admin Mod#42

STIP MOD 2018.133.pdf                             Bowling Green-Warren Co MPO Area Admin Mod#2020.03

STIP MOD 2018.134.pdf                             Lexington MPO Area Admin Mod#22

STIP MOD 2018.135.pdf                             KYOVA MPO Area Admin Mod#44

STIP MOD 2018.136.pdf                             KIPDA MPO Area Admin Mod#36

STIP MOD 2018.137.pdf                             KYOVA MPO Area Amendment#10

STIP MOD 2018.138.pdf                             OKI MPO Area Amendment#3

STIP MOD 2018.139.pdf                             Various County Projects

STIP MOD 2018.140.pdf                             Recreational Trails Project

STIP MOD 2018.141.pdf                             KIPDA MPO Area Admin Mod#37

STIP MOD 2018.142.pdf                             Lexington MPO Area Admin Mod#23

STIP MOD 2018.143.pdf                             KYOVA MPO Area Admin Mod#45

STIP MOD 2018.144.pdf                             KYOVA MPO Area Admin Mod#46

STIP MOD 2018.145.pdf                             Various County Projects

STIP MOD 2018.146.pdf                             Bowling Green-Warren Co MPO Area Admin Mod#1

STIP MOD 2018.147.pdf                             McLean County Recreational Trails Project

STIP MOD 2018.148.pdf                             Menifee County Project

STIP MOD 2018.149.pdf                             OKI MPO Area Admin Mod#4

STIP MOD 2018.150.pdf                             KIPDA MPO Area Admin Mod#38

STIP MOD 2018.151.pdf                             KYOVA MPO Area Amend#12

STIP MOD 2018.152.pdf                             Various County Projects

STIP MOD 2018.153.pdf                             KIPDA MPO Area Admin Mod#39

STIP MOD 2018.154.pdf                             KIPDA MPO Area Admin Mod#40

STIP MOD 2018.155.pdf                             Various County Projects

STIP MOD 2018.156.pdf                             KIPDA MPO Area Admin Mod#41

STIP MOD 2018.157.pdf                             Radcliff/Etown MPO Area Amendment#2

STIP MOD 2018.158.pdf                             OKI MPO Area Admin Mod#5

STIP MOD 2018.159.pdf                             OKI MPO Area Amendment#5

STIP MOD 2018.160.pdf                             Lexington MPO Area Admin Mod#24

STIP MOD 2018.161.pdf                             Various County Projects

STIP MOD 2018.162.pdf                             Radcliff/Etown MPO Area Admin Mod#12

STIP MOD 2018.163.pdf                             Lexington MPO Area Admin Mod#25

STIP MOD 2018.164.pdf                             KYTC Office of Transportation Delivery

STIP MOD 2018.165.pdf                             KIPDA MPO Area Admin Mod#42

STIP MOD 2018.166.pdf                             OKI MPO Area Admin Mod#6

STIP MOD 2018.167.pdf                             Lexington MPO Area Admin Mod#26

STIP MOD 2018.168.pdf                             KYOVA MPO Area Admin Mod#49

STIP MOD 2018.169.pdf                             Owensboro-Daviess Co MPO Area Admin Mod#4

STIP MOD 2018.170.pdf                             KIPDA MPO Area Admin Mod#43

STIP MOD 2018.171.pdf                             Lexington MPO Area Admin Mod#27

STIP MOD 2018.172.pdf                             Menifee County Recreational Trails Project

STIP MOD 2018.173.pdf                             Evansville-Henderson MPO Area Admin Mod

STIP MOD 2018.174.pdf                             OKI MPO Area Admin Mod#7

STIP MOD 2018.175.pdf                             Various County Projects

STIP MOD 2018.176.pdf                             KYOVA MPO Area Admin Mod#50

STIP MOD 2018.177.pdf                             Various County Projects

STIP MOD 2018.178.pdf                             OKI MPO Area Admin Mod#8

STIP MOD 2018.179.pdf                             KYOVA MPO Area Admin Mod#52

STIP MOD 2018.180.pdf                             Radcliff/Etown MPO Area Admin Mod#13

STIP MOD 2018.181.pdf                             KYOVA MPO Area Admin Mod#53

STIP MOD 2018.182.pdf                             Evansville-Henderson MPO Area Admin Mod

STIP MOD 2018.183.pdf                             KIPDA MPO Area Admin Mod#1

STIP MOD 2018.184.pdf                             Harrison County Project

STIP MOD 2018.185.pdf                             Lexington MPO Area Admin Mod#28

STIP MOD 2018.186.pdf                             KIPDA MPO Area Admin Mod#2

STIP MOD 2018.187.pdf                             Lexington MPO Area Admin Mod#29

STIP MOD 2018.188.pdf                             Radcliff/Etown MPO Area Admin Mod#14

STIP MOD 2018.189.pdf                             Evansville-Henderson MPO Area Amendment, Resolution No. 20-24 TIP 10

STIP MOD 2018.190.pdf                             OKI MPO Area Admin Mod#9

STIP MOD 2018.191.pdf                             Recreational Trails Projects

STIP MOD 2018.192.pdf                             Owensboro-Daviess Co MPO Area Admin Mod#5

STIP MOD 2018.193.pdf                             KYOVA MPO Area Admin Mod#54

STIP MOD 2018.194.pdf                             KIPDA MPO Area Admin Mod#3

STIP MOD 2018.195.pdf                             Owensboro-Daviess Co MPO Area Admin Mod#6

STIP MOD 2018.196.pdf                             FY 2021 SPR Part B (Research) Program

STIP MOD 2018.197.pdf                             Various County Projects

STIP MOD 2018.198.pdf                             Radcliff/Etown MPO Area Admin Mod#15

STIP MOD 2018.199.pdf                             Evansville-Henderson MPO Area Amendment, Resolution No. 20-24 TIP 11

STIP MOD 2018.200.pdf                             Bowling Green-Warren Co MPO Area Admin Mod#2

STIP MOD 2018.201.pdf                             KIPDA MPO Area Admin Mod#4

STIP MOD 2018.202.pdf                             Lexington MPO Area Admin Mod#30

STIP MOD 2018.203.pdf                             Various County Projects

STIP MOD 2018.204.pdf                             Transit Project

STIP MOD 2018.205.pdf                             Transit Project

STIP MOD 2018.206.pdf                             Transit Project

STIP MOD 2018.207.pdf                             Lexington MPO Area Admin Mod#31

STIP MOD 2018.208.pdf                             Evansville-Henderson MPO Area Amendment, Resolution No. 20-24 TIP 12

STIP MOD 2018.209.pdf                             Lexington MPO Area Admin Mod#32

STIP MOD 2018.210.pdf                             Various County Projects

STIP MOD 2018.211.pdf                             Radcliff/Etown MPO Area Admin Mod#16

STIP MOD 2018.212.pdf                             Bowling Green-Warren Co MPO Area Admin Mod#3

STIP MOD 2018.213.pdf                             KIPDA MPO Area Admin Mod#5

STIP MOD 2018.214.pdf                             Bowling Green-Warren Co MPO Area Admin Mod#4

STIP MOD 2018.215.pdf                             OKI MPO Area Admin Mod#2

STIP MOD 2018.216.pdf                             Various County Projects

STIP MOD 2018.217.pdf                             Transit Project

STIP MOD 2018.218.pdf                             Various County Projects

STIP MOD 2018.219.pdf                             Transit Project

STIP MOD 2018.220.pdf                             Bowling Green-Warren Co MPO Area Admin Mod#5

STIP MOD 2018.221.pdf                             KYOVA MPO Area Admin Mod#1

STIP MOD 2018.222.pdf                             Radcliff/Etwon MPO Area Amendment#3

STIP MOD 2018.223.pdf                             KIPDA MPO Area Admin Mod#6

STIP MOD 2018.224.pdf                             Lexington MPO Area Admin Mod#33

STIP MOD 2018.225.pdf                             Owensboro-Daviess Co MPO Area Admin Mod#7

STIP MOD 2018.226.pdf                             KIPDA MPO Area Admin Mod#7

STIP MOD 2018.227.pdf                             KIPDA MPO Area Admin Mod#8

STIP MOD 2018.228.pdf                             KYOVA MPO Area Admin Mod#2

STIP MOD 2018.229.pdf                             Various County Projects

STIP MOD 2018.230.pdf                             KIPDA MPO Area Amendment#1

STIP MOD 2018.231.pdf                             KYOVA MPO Area Admin Mod#4

STIP MOD 2018.232.pdf                             Logan County Project

STIP MOD 2018.233.pdf                             Various County Projects

STIP MOD 2018.234.pdf                             Bowling Green-Warren Co MPO Area Admin Mod#6

STIP MOD 2018.235.pdf                             Evansville-Henderson MPO Area Admin Mod

STIP MOD 2018.236.pdf                             KYOVA MPO Area Admin Mod#6

STIP MOD 2018.237.pdf                             OKI MPO Area Admin Mod#3

STIP MOD 2018.238.pdf                             Various County Projects

STIP MOD 2018.239.pdf                             Lexington MPO Area Admin Mod#34

STIP MOD 2018.240.pdf                             Lexington MPO Area Admin Mod#35

STIP MOD 2018.241.pdf                             Radcliff/Etown MPO Area Admin Mod#17

STIP MOD 2018.242.pdf                             Bowling Green-Warren Co MPO Area Amend#1

STIP MOD 2018.243.pdf                             KYOVA MPO Area Admin Mod#7

STIP MOD 2018.244.pdf                             Various County Projects

STIP MOD 2018.245.pdf                             OKI MPO Area Admin Mod#4

STIP MOD 2018.246.pdf                             KIPDA MPO Area Admin Mod#9

STIP MOD 2018.247.pdf                             Evansville-Henderson MPO Area Amendment, Resolution No. 20-24 TIP 15

STIP MOD 2018.248.pdf                             KYOVA MPO Area Amend#2

STIP MOD 2018.249.pdf                             Clarksville MPO Area Amend#2

STIP MOD 2018.250.pdf                             Various County Projects

STIP MOD 2018.251.pdf                             Lexington MPO Area Admin Mod#36

STIP MOD 2018.252.pdf                             Various County Projects

STIP MOD 2018.253.pdf                             OKI MPO Area Amend#2

STIP MOD 2018.254.pdf                             Various County Projects

STIP MOD 2018.255.pdf                             Bowling Green-Warren Co MPO Area Admin Mod#7

STIP MOD 2018.256.pdf                             KYOVA MPO Area Admin Mod#9

STIP MOD 2018.257.pdf                             Various County Projects

STIP MOD 2018.258.pdf                             Clarksville MPO Area Admin Mod#5

STIP MOD 2018.259.pdf                             Evansville-Henderson MPO Area Admin Mod

STIP MOD 2018.260.pdf                             Transit Project

STIP MOD 2018.261.pdf                             OKI MPO Area Admin Mod#5

STIP MOD 2018.262.pdf                             KIPDA MPO Area Admin Mod#10

STIP MOD 2018.263.pdf                             Various County Projects

STIP MOD 2018.264.pdf                             KIPDA MPO Area Admin Mod#11

STIP MOD 2018.265.pdf                             Various County Projects

STIP MOD 2018.266.pdf                             Radcliff/Etown MPO Area Admin Mod#18

STIP MOD 2018.267.pdf                             Radcliff/Etown MPO Area Admin Mod#19

STIP MOD 2018.268.pdf                             Lexington MPO Area Admin Mod#1

STIP MOD 2018.269.pdf                             Various County Projects

STIP MOD 2018.270.pdf                             Bowling Green-Warren County MPO Area Admin Mod#8

STIP MOD 2018.271.pdf                             KIPDA MPO Area Amendment#2

STIP MOD 2018.272.pdf                             OKI MPO Area Admin Mod#6

STIP MOD 2018.273.pdf                             Transit Project

STIP MOD 2018.274.pdf                             Various County Projects

STIP MOD 2018.275.pdf                             KIPDA MPO Area Admin Mod#12

STIP MOD 2018.276.pdf                             Various County Projects

STIP MOD 2018.277.pdf                             Recreational Trails Projects

STIP MOD 2018.278.pdf                             OKI MPO Area Admin Mod#7

STIP MOD 2018.279.pdf                             Various County Projects

STIP MOD 2018.280.pdf                             Transit Project

STIP MOD 2018.281.pdf                             Lexington MPO Area Admin Mod#2

STIP MOD 2018.282.pdf                             KIPDA MPO Area Admin Mod#13

STIP MOD 2018.283.pdf                             Various County Projects

STIP MOD 2018.284.pdf                             Lexington MPO Area Admin Mod#3

STIP MOD 2018.285.pdf                             Evansville-Henderson MPO Area Admin Modification

STIP MOD 2018.286.pdf                             OKI MPO Area Admin Mod#8

STIP MOD 2018.287.pdf                             OKI MPO Area Amendment #4

STIP MOD 2018.288.pdf                             Evansville-Henderson MPO Area Amendment, Resolution No. 20-24 TIP 17

STIP MOD 2018.289.pdf                             Lexington MPO Area Admin Mod#4

STIP MOD 2018.290.pdf                             KIPDA MPO Area Admin Mod#14

STIP MOD 2018.291.pdf                             Various County Projects

STIP MOD 2018.292.pdf                             Harlan County TAP Project

STIP MOD 2018.293.pdf                             Evansville-Henderson MPO Area Admin Modification

STIP MOD 2018.294.pdf                             KYOVA MPO Area Admin Mod#12

STIP MOD 2018.295.pdf                             OKI MPO Area Admin Mod#9

STIP MOD 2018.296.pdf                             Clarksville MPO Area Amendment#5

STIP MOD 2018.297.pdf                             KYOVA MPO Area Admin Mod#14

STIP MOD 2018.298.pdf                             Owensboro-Daviess Co MPO Area Admin Mod#8

STIP MOD 2018.299.pdf                             KIPDA MPO Area Admin Mod#16

STIP MOD 2018.301.pdf                             Owensboro-Daviess Co MPO Area Admin Mod#9

STIP MOD 2018.302.pdf                             Owensboro-Daviess Co MPO Area Admin Mod#10

STIP MOD 2018.303.pdf                             OKI MPO Area Admin Mod#10

STIP MOD 2018.304.pdf                             Evansville-Henderson MPO Area Amendment, Resolution No. 22-26 TIP 1

STIP MOD 2018.305.pdf                             Bowling Green-Warren Co MPO Area Admin Mod#9

STIP MOD 2018.306.pdf                             Various Counties

STIP MOD 2018.307.pdf                             Transit Project

STIP MOD 2018.308.pdf                             FY 2022 SPR Part B (Research) Program

STIP MOD 2018.309.pdf                             KIPDA MPO Area Admin Mod#17

STIP MOD 2018.310.pdf                             OKI MPO Area Admin Mod#11

STIP MOD 2018.311.pdf                             Various Counties

STIP MOD 2018.312.pdf                             Radcliff/Etown MPO Area Admin Mod#20

STIP MOD 2018.313.pdf                             Transit Project

STIP MOD 2018.314.pdf                             KY FLAP Projects

STIP MOD 2018.315.pdf                             KIPDA MPO Area Admin Mod#18

STIP MOD 2018.316.pdf                             Lexington MPO Area Admin Mod#5

STIP MOD 2018.317.pdf                             Transit Project

STIP MOD 2018.318.pdf                             KIPDA MPO Area Amendment#3

STIP MOD 2018.319.pdf                             Evansville-Henderson MPO Area Amendment, Resolution No. 22-26 TIP 2

STIP MOD 2018.320.pdf                             Mason County TAP Project

STIP MOD 2018.321.pdf                             Various Counties

STIP MOD 2018.322.pdf                             Butler County Ferry Project

STIP MOD 2018.323.pdf                             Lexington MPO Area Admin Mod#6

STIP MOD 2018.324.pdf                             KYOVA MPO Area Admin Mod#16

STIP MOD 2018.325.pdf                             Transit Project

STIP MOD 2018.326.pdf                             Recreational Trails Project

STIP MOD 2018.327.pdf                             Shelby County Project

STIP MOD 2018.328.pdf                             KIPDA MPO Area Admin Mod#19

STIP MOD 2018.329.pdf                             Bath County KY FLAP Project














This page is maintained by Jill.Lamb@ky.gov, who may be contacted to make corrections or changes.​

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