Environmental Analysis


The Division of Environmental Analysis (DEA) is responsible for providing environmental guidance to Transportation Cabinet Employees, to contractors, and to the general public concerning Cabinet projects and activities. The DEA facilitates the Cabinet's mission of performing in an environmentally sound manner by ensuring that impacts associated with planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance projects are identified and addressed in accordance with applicable state and federal laws.  With this information, KYTC is best positioned to understand the implications of its actions and make the best possible decisions regarding developing projects. KYTC then strives to minimize or mitigate any resulting Impacts to the human or natural environment that cannot be avoided. 
The Division executes these duties through the review, preparation, and oversight of environmental documents, contracts, or actions as required by state and federal environmental laws and regulations. The Division also provides a single point of contact to the general public and to Cabinet Employees for environmental guidance, information, and concerns

​DEA Branches

Archaeologists in the Cultural Historic Branch oversee completion of all required archaeological investigations for Federally-funded or permitted projects, and are responsible for coordination of the results of these investigations with various resource agencies (SHPO, ACHP, etc.) in conformance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966.
Cultural Historic
Historians in the Cultural Resources Branch are responsible for evaluating impacts of proposed highway projects on historic properties.  For Federal-aid projects or projects with other federal involvement, KYTC conducts this assessment in conformance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966.
Roebling Bridge
Ecology and Permitting
The Ecology and Permitting Branch assures that KYTC maintains compliance with the Clean Water Act and the Endangered Species Act.
Ecology and Permitting
Air Quality
Professionals in the Division of Environmental Analysis evaluate the potential impact of developing highway projects on air quality in the vicinity of the proposed project.
Air Quality
Project Management
The Project Management Section of Environmental Analysis is tasked with the overall management of the environmental process in the development of highway projects.
Project Management
Highway traffic may create noise impacts on adjacent properties.   KYTC evaluates current and predicted noise conditions and provides abatement where traffic noise impacts result from new highway projects.
Noise Wall
Section 4(f)
Section 4(f) refers to the original section within the U.S. Department of Transportation Act of 1966 which established the requirement for consideration of park and recreational lands, wildlife and waterfowl refuges, and historic sites in Transportation project development. The law, now codified in 49 U.S.C. § 303 and 23 U.S.C. §138, is implemented by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) through the regulation 23 CFR 774.
Section 4(f)
Socioeconomic analysis considers the potential for impacts to land use, farmlands, residential and commercial relocations.
UST Hazardous Materials
The UST/Hazmat and Remediation Section consists of a group of trained professionals who are responsible for assuring that regulatory and Federal Highway requirements are met within our state road/bridge projects and the KYTC maintenance facilities.
UST Hazardous Materials

Air Quality
Cultural Resources
Ecology and Permitting
Project Management
Section 4(f)
USTs and Hazardous Materials
AASHTO General Information
Consulting Party Projects
DEA Guidance Manual
Environmental MEMO's
FHWA Environmental Handbook
Guidance and Accountability Forms
KYTC Environmental Handbook
KYTC Environmental Overview
Links to Maps, Images and GIS Data
Partnering Efforts
Streamlining Agreements
Public Information Toolbox
Rest Area Pollution Control
​This page is maintained by Emma.Priger@ky.gov​, who may be contacted to make corrections or changes.

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