Upcoming Events and Meetings

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​For more information, contact the Office of Public Affairs.


​Press Events

  • ​None scheduled at this time

​Public Meetings​​​ and Hearings

  • Public Meeting in Spencer County on March 18 for KY 55 and KY 155 improvements in Spencer and Jefferson Counties
    • The project will address increased traffic demands while enhancing safety, reducing congestion, and increasing capacity along the nine-mile corridor.
    • ​The meeting will be open-house format, allowing the public to stop by anytime between 5:30 and 7:30 p.m. to review preliminary designs and fill out comment sheets. KYTC representatives and consultants will be available to answer questions, and an online survey will be available following the meeting.
      • Tuesday, March 18, 5:30-7:30 p.m., ET
        Spencer County High School
        520 Taylorsville Road
        Taylorsville, KY 40071

  • Tennesee DOT will hold a Public Meeting in South Fulton, TN on March 20 for the I-69 Interchange Reconfiguration Project at the TN-KY state line
    • The project will connect the proposed I-69 in TN (currently U.S. 51) with I-69 (formerly the Purchase Parkway) in Kentucky.
    • ​The meeting will be open-house format, allowing the public to stop by anytime between 5 and 7 p.m. to review the proposed interchange reconfiguration and provide comments. TDOT representatives will be available to provide information on various aspects of the project.
      • Thursday, March 20, 5-7 p.m., CDT
        South Fulton Middle and High School
        1302 John C. Jones Parkway
        South Fulton, TN 38257

  • Public Meeting in Jefferson County on April 10 for potential improvements to KY 2050 (Herr Lane)​​
    • The project will improve mobility and vehicular access and enhance safety while upgrading pedestrian facilities along the corridor from the KY 2050 (Herr Lane) and KY 1447 (Westport Road) intersection to Glen Arbor Road.
    • ​The meeting will be open-house format, allowing the public to stop by anytime between 5 and 7​ p.m. to review preliminary designs, receive handouts with project information, and fill out comment sheets. KYTC representatives and consultants will be available to answer questions, and an online survey will be available following the meeting.
      • Thursday, April 10, 5-7 p.m., EDT
        Kammerer Middle School
        7315 Wesboro Road
        Louisville, KY 40222​

  • Public Meeting in Graves County on April 17 for Rebuild Mayfield Project​​
    • The project will revitalize the downtown streetscape, upgrade roadway and utility infrastructure, and enhance connectivity and pedestrian and cyclist safety.
    • ​The meeting will be open-house format, allowing the public to stop by anytime between 5 and 7​ p.m. to view exhibits and fill out comment sheets. KYTC representatives and consultants will be available to answer questions.
      • Thursday, April 17, 5-7 p.m., CDT
        Graves County High School
        1220 Eagles Way
        Mayfield, KY 42066

​Public Input Needed and Public Surveys​

  • None scheduled at this time

​Open Meetings

  • None scheduled at this time​

This page is maintained by Stephanie.Hunt@ky.gov who may be contacted to make corrections or changes.

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