Transportation Delivery


Who We Are

The Office of Transportation Delivery, comprising two branches, is responsible for seeking grant funds; overseeing and implementing various statewide public transit grants; and coordinating human service transportation, such as non-emergency medical transportation.
Transportation grants offer general public transit services and assist in the mobility for the elderly, low income, and persons with disabilities.

Documents on the Office of Transportation Delivery webpages can be translated into another language upon request. All policies/procedures can be made available in accessible formats upon request.

Kentucky Public Transit Branch

The Kentucky Public Transit Branch distributes and oversees grants, including operating, capital (rolling stock and transit facilities), and technical assistance. These grants are administered directly by statewide nonprofit or public operators. St​atewide, operators vary from a one county rural operation to multiple county systems to large urban area transit agencies. The Public Transit Branch oversees Section 5311, 5310, and some small 5307 public transit agencies.  

Human Services Transportation Delivery Branch (HSTD)

The Human Service Transportation Delivery Branch is responsible for the oversight of the Human Service Transportation Delivery (HSTD) program. The HSTD program consolidates transportation services previously provided by various state governmental agencies. Under the HSTD program, transportation services for the Department for Medicaid Services, Department for the Blind, and the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation are now coordinated by the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, Office of Transportation Delivery.


July 27, 2022 

Kentucky Transportation Cabinet
Office of Transportation Delivery
Public Transit Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Notice

In accordance with 49 CFR Part 26, The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC), Office of Transportation Delivery (OTD), is proposing a "Disadvantaged Business Enterprise" (DBE) Participation Goal of 1.24% for the next three Federal Fiscal Years beginning October 1, 2022 through September 30, 2025 for the Federal Rural Transit Program and applicable KYTC Capital Programs funded by the USDOT/Federal Transit Administration (FTA).

The goal and the basis for establishing the goal are available for public inspection from 8:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, at the Office of Transportation Delivery, 3rd Floor, Kentucky Transportation Cabinet Office Building, 200 Mero St, Frankfort, KY 40622, for 30 days following the date of this notice.

Comments may be sent to the above address and will be accepted for 30 days from the date of this notice.  Please send emails to Regional Program Manager, Tabitha Martin, ( or Federal Program Specialist, Gail Mayeux, ( at the Office of Transportation Delivery/Kentucky Transportation Cabinet with any questions. 

Comments may also be sent during the 30 day comment period to the USDOT/Federal Transit Administration at the address listed below:

Michelle Foster
Regional Civil Rights Officer
Office of Civil Rights, FTA Region IV
230 Peachtree Street, NW, Suite 1400
Atlanta, GA 30303

HSTD Customer Service Hotline
1 (888) 941-7433

Kentucky Relay Service
TDD Users: 1 (800) 648-6056
Voice Users: 1 (800) 648-6057

Transit Asset Management Plan Link

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Review Title VI Complaint Proceedures
Review the Title VI Public Notice to Beneficiaries
How to Schedule Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT)
Transportation Delivery Home Page
Coordinated Transportation Advisory Committee
Kentucky Public Transit Association
FTA Master Agreements
KYTC Civil Rights Homepage
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