

The mission of the Office of Audits is to provide independent, accurate, and timely audits, reviews, or investigation on behalf of the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet.

  • Performs audits and attestations of Cabinet processes
  • Performs audits of consultants involved in Transportation contracts
  • Provides auditing functions to meet the various needs of Transportation Cabinet management
  • Audits over 900 permit holders that lease or rent automobiles to assure compliance with Kentucky's Usage statutes in the U-Drive-It program
  • Audits over 47,000 trucking companies traveling Kentucky's highways to ensure compliance with Kentucky's Weight Distance Tax Statutes
  • Audits motor carriers with apportioned registration applications as required by the International Registration Plan (IRP)
  • Audits motor carriers participating in the International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA)
  • Audits intrastate fuel-tax audits on Kentucky based motor carriers (KIT)


Downloadable Manuals


Audit Assistance Manual

Audit Assistance Manual Cover Photo​​

IRP Audit Assistance Manual
UDI Audit Assistance Manual
 UDI Assistance Manual.PNG
200 Mero StreetFrankfortKY40601KY8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. EST, M-F(502) 564-6760,+Frankfort,+Franklin,+Kentucky+40601&gl=us&sqi=2&z=16&iwloc=A

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