Highway District 7


District 7 title banner

The Kentucky Department of Highways District 7 oversees the construction and maintenance of highways in 12 central Kentucky counties: Anderson, Bourbon, Boyle, ClarkFayetteGarrardJessamine, Madison, Mercer, Montgomery, Scott, and Woodford.  District staff coordinates all aspects of road development from planning, design, and right-of-way purchasing to administering construction contracts. The District 7 office also performs highway maintenance functions including pothole patching, mowing and snow removal.

For up-to-date advisories, announcements, and other information please Follow District 7 on Facebook and Twitter.

Featured projects
Bourbon & Scott CountiesUS 460 Improvements
Bourbon CountyKY 1939 Improvements near US 27
Boyle CountyKY 52 Goggin Lane to KY 590
Clark CountyVeteran's Memorial Parkway Extension
Fayette & Jessamine CountiesUS 27 Access Management
Fayette CountyRJ Corman Overpass on US 27
Fayette CountyLiberty Road Widening
Fayette CountyNewtown Pike Extension
Fayette CountyI64-I75 Widening
Fayette CountyRichmond Road RCUT
Fayette CountyNew Circle Road Widening
Garrard & Lincoln CountiesUS 27 from KY 34 to US 150
Garrard CountyUS 27 Restricted Crossing U-Turn (RCUT)
Jessamine & Mercer CountiesUS 68 Corridor Study
Jessamine CountyEast Nicholasville Bypass
Jessamine CountyBrannon Road Improvements
Jessamine CountyKY 169 (3rd Street) Over Norfolk Southern Railroad
Madison CountyKY 52 Relocation
Madison CountyKY 2881 Duncannon Rd - Madison County Airport
Montgomery CountyUS 60 Improvements
Scott CountyKY 32 Intersection Realignment
Scott CountyKY 2906 Georgetown Connector Road
Woodford & Jessamine CountiesKY 169 Improvements
News Updates

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TRANSPORTATION PUBLISHING (Sep. 4, 2024) - We are proud to share with you the 2024 Kentucky Transportation Annual. Please find a complimentary digital copy via the enclosed link.  Feel free to forward this link to any and all interested parties. You are also welcome to post this link on your website and/or social media and share it with your community.


Click on the cover above or link below to be tak​en directly to the publication.


If you are interested in advertising in the next edition, please email info@transportationpublishing.com.


Transportation Publishing · 5120 State Highway 6 · Riesel, TX 76682​​

LRSTP One-Pager EnglishLRSTP One-Pager English1.

FRANKFORT, Ky. (Oct. 3, 2022) – The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) is seeking input from Kentuckians on its policy-based 2022-2045 Long-Range Statewide Transportation Plan (LRSTP) to support a multi-modal network well into the future. The public can review and comment on the draft plan via a survey at GetThereTogetherKY.org between Oct. 3 and Nov. 2.

Input gathered will be used to help finalize the plan, which outlines the goals, policies, needs and improvement priorities to set the direction of Kentucky's transportation system for the next 25 years. The plan will be finalized in December 2022.

"We strive to provide a viable, reliable and resilient transportation system for Kentuckians and those who travel throughout our state," said KYTC Secretary Jim Gray. "Thanks to a strategic and thoughtful process, we've developed a comprehensive policy plan and are excited to share a draft of that plan with the public. We really appreciate the input we've received throughout this process and invite the public to weigh in now on the draft of this important document."

Secretary Gray noted that the transportation plan is multi-modal and considers all modes of travel (cars, buses, trains, planes, bikes, boats, walking, etc.)

The interactive survey at GetThereTogetherKY.org asks the public's opinions on the LRSTP draft, which outlines transportation needs, issues, and priorities. The survey can be accessed from any location, any time of day, and is open now through November 2.

A Spanish language version is also available on the survey platform with the click of a button. Anyone without Internet access and/or who needs additional assistance with participating in the survey can contact Jacob Huber at 502-782-5061.

Upon its completion in December 2022, the content of the LRSTP update will set the stage for all KYTC transportation policy decisions and investment strategies to be made between now and 2045. In addition to long-term goals, it will also include an Implementation Plan of short-term actions that need to be completed to support the fulfillment of the vision goals, and objectives defined within the LRSTP.

The last LRSTP was completed in 2014. The Plan is updated roughly every seven years to keep it current and ensure it can meet the needs of the rapidly changing transportation environment. KYTC selected Michael Baker International to manage the approximately 12-month process to complete the LRSTP.

Click here to view a video from Secretary Gray announcing the start of the survey period.

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Consulting Party Projects

Citizens Advisory Guide

District Map
Click a District number to view more information. 

This page is maintained by Nick Beasmore, who may be contacted to make corrections or changes.

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