Highway District 6


​Highway District 6 provides service to an 11 county area, including:  
Boone, Bracken, Campbell, Carroll, Gallatin, Grant, Harrison, Kenton, Owen, Pendleton, and Robertson Counties  

In addition to the construction and maintenance of approximately 4,600 lane miles of state highways and interstates, District 6 staff coordinate all aspects of road development from planning, design, and right-of-way purchasing to administering construction contracts.  The District 6 office also performs highway maintenance functions including pothole patching, mowing and snow removal.

 U.S. 42 Carrollton-Prestonville Bridge Replacement Project

​​Click the box below for more information about the upcoming bridge replacement project

Carrollton-Prestonville Bridge Logo.png

 New Highway District 6 Office Under Construction to Better Serve Northern Kentucky

​Northern Kentucky is growing, and so are we! A state-of-the-art facility is under construction next to our current building. Once completed, the new office will provide more parking for guests, offices for staff, and larger meeting rooms. Due to limited parking and an active construction zone, we are temporarily restricting visitors at our existing building. Our staff will remain accessible by phone at 859-341-2700 or by email at KYTC.District6Info@ky.gov if you have any questions, comments, or concerns about projects in Highway District 6.

What a difference a few months can make! As of late June 2023, crews are working on raising the roof of the structure. The concrete slab has been poured, and the structural steel installation for the superstructure has been completed.



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Daniel Carter Beard Bridge (I-471)  Website Tile (1).png

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Click HERE to view our Roadshow report, which summarizes the upcoming
Projects and traffic impacts*

*This report summarizes the upcoming week's major projects (beginning Sundays)

District 6 serves the 11​ counties that make up Northern Kentucky:  Boone, Bracken, Campbell, Carroll, Gallatin, Grant, Harrison, Kenton, Owen, Pendleton and Robertson.  In addition to the construction and maintenance of approximately 4,600 lane miles of state highways and interstates, District 6 staff coordinate all aspects of road development from planning, design, and right-of-way purchasing to administering construction contracts.  The District 6 office also performs highway maintenance functions including pothole patching, mowing and snow removal.






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6-444/445 Public Meeting Information

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Looking for older news releases? ​For District 6's news archive, CLICK HERE. 

Real-Time Traffic Information

Visit our new site ​for live traffic information in Northern Kentucky and Cincinnati.

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Real-Time Traffic Information

Visit our new site ​for live traffic information in Northern Kentucky and Cincinnati.

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TrReal-Time Traffic Information


Other KYTC Information


Snow and Ice

421 Buttermilk PikeCovingtonKY410178:00 AM - 4:00 PM Closed on Holidays(859) 341-2700(859) 341-3661KYTC.District6Info@ky.govhttp://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=421+Buttermilk+Pike,+Covington,+Ky+41017&aq=&sll=39.044615,-84.573283&sspn=0.011549,0.019205&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=421+Buttermilk+Pike,+Fort+Mitchell,+Kenton,+Kentucky+41017&z=16https://www.facebook.com/KYTC.District6/https://www.twitter.com/KYTCDistrict6

 ‭(Hidden)‬ Content Editor ‭[17]‬

Snow and Ice

Highway District Map
Click a District number to view more information. 

 ‭(Hidden)‬ Featured Project Information


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 ‭(Hidden)‬ The John A. Roebling Bridge

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​This page is maintained by Jake.Ryle@ky.gov and James.Heatherly@ky.gov, who may be contacted to make corrections or changes.

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