Highway District 8


District 8 KY-27 Pitman Creek Bridge

The Department of Highways District 8 is headquartered in Somerset and provides services to a ten-county area including Adair, Casey, Clinton, Cumberland, Lincoln, McCreary, Pulaski, Rockcastle, Russell, and Wayne counties. In addition to the construction and maintenance of approximately 2,700 miles of state highways, District 8 personnel address other issues such as snow removal, weed abatement, and safety programs as they relate to driving, bicycle, and pedestrian behaviors, to name a few.
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Contact District 8
1660 South US 27 SomersetKY42502P.O. Box 780SomersetKY425028:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. EST, M-F(606) 677-4017(606) 677-4013KYTC.District8Info@ky.govhttp://maps.google.com/maps?q=37.07071,+-84.61883+&hl=en&ll=37.070742,-84.618824&spn=0.001721,0.007923&sll=37.069924,-84.618813&sspn=0.003831,0.007923&vpsrc=6&t=h&z=18&layer=c&cbll=37.070734,-84.618823&panoid=N34tAiHxAKzRITvIF_Y6DA&cbp=11,156.41,,0,0https://www.facebook.com/KYTCDistrict8/https://www.twitter.com/KYTCDistrict8
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Visit GoKY to see work zones on state highways across Kentucky! And, track snow plows or find out more about winter response at SnowKY.ky.gov!

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​This page is maintained by Amber.Hale@ky.gov, who may be contacted to make corrections or changes.

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