KY 92 Realignment and New Roundabout in Monticello


​​The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) is undertaking a project to address safety, mobility, and connectivity by realigning a portion of KY 92 in dowtown Monticello and constructing a new roundabout. 


Existing Conditions:
KY 92 is disjointed through the city of Monticello, requiring drivers to navigate through the intersection at Columbia Avenue and North Main Street (Doughboy) and Michigan Avenue and North Main Street (Monticello Bank). 

Both intersections have small intersection curve radii, which makes it challenging for large trucks to navigate.

The limited curve radii at both the Doughboy and Monticello Bank intersections create navigational challenges for trucks, increasing the likelihood of conflicts with vehicles, pedestrians, and/or property. ​

existing conditions photo.jpg

Proposed Alternatives:
This project intends to improve the flow of traffic through Monticello by constructing a new roundabout at the doughboy intersection and connecting Columbia Avenue to Michigan Avenue, utilizing a new alignment.​

Contact Info:

Joe Gossage
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet District 8
1660 South HWY 27
Somerset, KY 42502
Phone: (606)-677-4017

KY 92 Alternative 1.jpgKY 92 Alternative 2.jpg
​​Roundabout Alternative 1 - Doughboy Relocated.jpgRoundabout Alternative 2 - Doughboy Remains.jpg

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