District Office Staff & Facilities

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Staff at the Covington District Office may be reach at (859) 341-2700, or toll free (800) 928-2700, weekday 8 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


Robert Yeager

Chief District Engineer


Brian Donnelly

District Construction Coordinator


Mike Bezold

Branch Manager - Project Development & Design



Nick Reis

Branch Manager – Project Delivery & Preservation Branch I

Boone, Kenton and Campbell Counties


Craig Moore

Branch Manager – Project Delivery & Preservation Branch II

Bracken, Carroll, Gallatin, Grant, Harrison, Owen Pendleton and Robertson Counties


James Minckley

Branch Manager – Engineering Support



Stephanie Schneider

District Safety Coordinator


Jake Ryle

Public Information Officer

(Media Inquiries) 


James Heatherly

Public Information Officer


 Section Offices & Maintenance Facilities

Covington Section Office

3923 Madison Pike

Covington, KY 41017

(859) 356-5300


Kenton County Maintenance Facility

3923 Madison Pike

Covington, KY 41017

(859) 356-7041


Campbell County Maintenance Facility

9615 Alexandria Pike

Alexandria, KY 41001

(859) 635-9240

Burlington Section Office

3923 Madison Pike

Covington, KY 41017


Boone County Maintenance Facility

3640 O'Hara Road

Erlanger, KY 41018

(859) 371-5421


Williamstown Section Office

911 South Main Street

Williamstown, KY 41097

(859) 824-4633


Grant County Maintenance Facility

911 South Main Street

Williamstown, KY 41097

(859) 824-5011


Harrison County Maintenance Facility

1081 Bypass Road

Cynthiana, KY 41031

(859) 234-5242


Falmouth Section Office

1477 Highway 330

Falmouth, KY 41040

(859) 654-6105


Pendleton County Maintenance Facility

1297 Highway 330

Falmouth, KY 41040

(859) 654-2301


Bracken County Maintenance Facility

1706 Brooksville-Germantown Road

Brooksville, KY 41004

(606) 735-3217


Robertson County Maintenance Facility

519 Oakland Road

Mt. Olivet, KY 41064

(606) 724-5811


Owenton Section Office

210 Old Sweet Owen Road

Owenton, KY 40359

(502) 484-2297


Owen County Maintenance Facility

10 Harris Ridge Road

Owenton, KY 40359

(502) 484-2227


Carroll County Maintenance Facility

102 Old Lock Road

Carrollton, KY 41008

(502) 732-6678


Gallatin County Maintenance Facility

5 Highway 455

Sparta, KY 41086

(859) 567-4561

421 Buttermilk PikeCovingtonKY410178:00 AM - 4:00 PM Closed on Holidays(859) 341-2700(859) 341-3661KYTC.District6Info@ky.govhttp://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=421+Buttermilk+Pike,+Covington,+Ky+41017&aq=&sll=39.044615,-84.573283&sspn=0.011549,0.019205&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=421+Buttermilk+Pike,+Fort+Mitchell,+Kenton,+Kentucky+41017&z=16https://www.facebook.com/KYTC.District6/https://www.twitter.com/KYTCDistrict6

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​This page is maintained by James.Heatherly@ky.gov, who may be contacted to make corrections or changes.

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