Frogtown Road (KY 3060) Improvement Project


 Important Documents:

Preliminary Public Meeting Display Frogtown.pdf

​**The above design is not final, and is subject to refinement by the project team

 ​What is the scope of the project?

​The project will widen Frogtown Road to three lanes (one lane in each direction and a center turn lane), with two shared-use paths separated from vehicular traffic. The project area on Frogtown Road will be from US 42 to US 25. 

 Why is the project needed?

Frogtown Road, KY 3060, is a st​​ate route that connects two US Highways, US 42 to US 25. As Union and this area has grown there has been a significant increase in traffic along this route.

 When will the project begin and end?

​Preliminary Design started in 2020 and should be complete by Fall 2023. Final design will be complete in 2025. The acquisition of property could begin in 2025. No dates to begin construction have been established.​​​​

 How much will this project cost?

The current estimate for all phases of this project is approximately $80,000,000.

 Who can I contact if I h​ave questions/comments?​​

The project manager for this project is Ellen Gregory. She can be reached at

​​​Frogtown Road Survey.png
Scan the QR code above, or click this link to take our online survey.

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