Active Sepias 2016


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This Javascript (jQuery) will:
find Name and replace it with 'DGN Link'
find PDF Link, Drawing # and DGN Link ('Name' really) and give a width of 100px;
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Made PDF Link and DGN Link (name) header columns 100px wide. Changes Name column to read 'DGN Link'.
​The Sepia List is used as a means to update the Standard Drawings. The Sepia List is a list of drawings that are either:
  1. A new detailed drawing that is approved for use as a Standard Drawing, but is not yet found in the Standard Drawings book;
  2. A new detailed drawing that is under consideration and is awaiting approval for use as a Standard; or
  3. A revision to a detailed drawing that is currently in the Standard Drawing book.
The revisions listed on the Sepia List supersede the drawing found in the current Standard Drawings book. The Sepia drawings are inserted by the designer into the plan sets as applicable. The drawings listed on the Sepia List are put into the Standard Drawing book when a Standard Drawing revision or reprint occurs. (This generally occurs once every four years at the same time of the Standard Specification reprint.)
Sepia 001.DGN
Sepia 0013/28/20166/24/2016Treatment of Open Sinkholes
Sepia 002.DGN
Sepia 00211/23/20162/24/2017Centerline Rumble Strips
Sepia 003.DGN
Sepia 00311/23/20162/24/2017Centerline Rumble Strips 4 inch Striping
Sepia 004.DGN
Sepia 00411/23/20162/24/2017Centerline Rumble Strips 6 inch Striping
Sepia 005.DGN
Sepia 00511/23/20162/24/2017Shoulder and Edgeline Rumble Strip Details
Sepia 006.DGN
Sepia 00611/23/20162/24/2017Edgeline Rumble Strip Details Two Lane Roadways
Sepia 007.DGN
Sepia 00712/12/20162/24/2017Shoulder Rumble Strip Details Two Lane Roadways
Sepia 008.DGN
Sepia 00811/23/20162/24/2017Rumble Strip Details Multi-Lane Roadways and Ramps
Sepia 009.DGN
Sepia 0091/26/20174/28/2017Treatment of Embankments at end-bents
Sepia 010.DGN
Sepia 0108/13/201911/22/2019Treatment of Embankments at end-bents - Details
Sepia 011.dgn
Sepia 0111/30/20174/28/2017Pavement Marker Arrangements Two-Way Left Turn Lane
Sepia 012.dgn
Sepia 01211/28/20171/26/2018Guardrail Transition from Normal Shoulder to Narrow Bridge
Sepia 013.dgn
Sepia 01311/28/20171/26/2018Guardrail Connector to Bridge End Type A and A-1 Components
Sepia 014.dgn
Sepia 01411/28/20171/26/2018Guardrail Connector to Bridge End Type D
Sepia 015.dgn
Sepia 0154/9/20186/22/2018Guardrail Connector To Bridge End Type A
Sepia 016.dgn
Sepia 0164/9/20186/22/2018Guardrail Connector to Bridge End Type A-1
Sepia 017.dgn
Sepia 0174/9/20186/22/2018Guardrail Connector to Concrete Median Barrier End
Sepia 018.dgn
Sepia 0184/9/20186/22/2018Connection Details of Crash Cushion Type VI to Double Face Guardrail
Sepia 019.dgn
Sepia 01911/28/20171/26/2018Crash Cushion Type VII  Class B and C (One and Two Direction)
Sepia 020.dgn
Sepia 02011/28/20171/26/2018Crash Cushion Type VI ABC (One and Two Direction)
Sepia 021.dgn
Sepia 02111/28/20171/26/2018Crash Cushion Type VI-BT
Sepia 022.dgn
Sepia 02211/28/20171/26/2018Crash Cushion Type IX
Sepia 023.dgn
Sepia 02311/28/20171/26/2018Crash Cushion Type IX-A
Sepia 024.dgn
Sepia 02411/28/20171/26/2018Typical Guardrail Installations
Sepia 025.dgn
Sepia 02511/28/20171/26/2018Intallation of Guardrail End Treatment Type 1
Sepia 026.dgn
Sepia 02611/28/20171/26/2018Concrete Median Barrier Fixed-Form or Slip-Form (Permanent)
Sepia 027.dgn
Sepia 02711/28/20171/26/2018Steel beam Guardrail "W" Beam
Sepia 028.dgn
Sepia 0284/9/20186/22/2018Steel Guardrail Posts
Sepia 029.dgn
Sepia 02911/28/20171/29/2018Guardrail End Treatment Type 1
Sepia 030.dgn
Sepia 03011/28/20171/26/2018Guardrail End Treatment Type 4A
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200 Mero StreetFrankfortKY40622KY8:00am-4:30pm EST, M-F(502) 564-3280(502) 564-3324,+Frankfort,+Franklin,+Kentucky+40601&gl=us&sqi=2&z=16&iwloc=A
Contact Information Authorized copies of Kentucky Transportation Cabinet's Standard Drawings book can be obtained from:
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet
Office of Human Resource Management
200 Mero Street
Frankfort, KY 40622
Phone: (502) 564-4610

 Standard Drawings

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