
The KYTC Technical Support Team along with the Developmental Support Team work diligently to address all issues and needs that are encountered when using the adopted engineering software that is necessary to complete KYTC Highway Projects.  Below you will find links to videos and workflows that have been addressed during the design process. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact the technical support team.  
GETTING STARTED IN ORDGetting Started in ORD Videos and Workflows
Getting Started in ORDIn page navigation
SURVEYSurvey Workflow and Videos
Survey Workflow and VideosIn page navigation
MODELINGModeling Workflow and Videos
Modeling Workflow and VideosIn page navigation
Plan Production Workflow and VideosIn page navigation
ANNOTATIONSAnnotation Workflow and Videos
Design Workflow and VideosIn page navigation
DRAINAGEDrainage Workflow and Video
Drainage Workflow and VideosIn page navigation
Please contact Technical Support  if you have any issues.

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