Design Memos


expand Year : 2024 ‎(9)
09-24 05-24.pdf
12/23/202412-23-2024Updates to the Policy and Procedures for Safety and Mobility of Traffic Through Work Zones
Revised policy and procedures for safety and mobility of traffic through work zones
8/8/202408-08-2024Update to Breakover for Superelevation in Shoulders.  Including Chapters HD-702.5 Superelevation and HD-1001.10 Shoulders of the Highway Design Guidance Manual
Update of HD702.5 and HD-1001.10
6/21/202406-21-2024Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) Implementation and Roundabout Design Guidance Updates
Provides guidance on the KYTC process of the Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) process
3/11/202403-11-2024Incidental Work Items
The process of handling incidental work items
2/14/202402/14/2024Best Practices for Use of Law Enforcement Officers in KYTC Work Zones
Provides guidance and Best Practices for use of Law Enforcement Officers in KYTC project work zones.
expand Year : 2023 ‎(3)
6/26/202306/26/2023Update of KYTC's Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH)-16 Implementation Temporary Concrete Barriers
Update of implementation of MASH-16
expand Year : 2022 ‎(2)
12/20/202212-20-2022Update to HD-203.6.3 Design Executive Summary Approval Processes
This updates section HD-203.6.3 of the Highway Design Manual.
expand Year : 2021 ‎(1)
6/10/202106/10/2021Final Drainage Folder Submittal
Defines the process and time line of the Final Drainage Folder Submittal
expand Year : 2020 ‎(2)
5/29/2020Standard Drawings 2020 and Sepia Updates
Realease of Standard Drawings 2020 to be used beginning August 21, 2020 letting
expand Year : 2019 ‎(4)
8/26/201901/01/2020Update of KYTC's Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH) - 16 Implementation
Update to design memorandum 06-17 and State Highway Engineer memorandum 2017-01 compliance with MASH 16
3/26/201903/26/2019Drainage Submittal
Drainage reporting will now be titled "Drainage Submittal". Items that should be included as well as their format and method of submittal is listed in Memo 01-19. (Effective for all projects that have not advanced past preliminary drainage submittal stage).
expand Year : 2018 ‎(1)
expand Year : 2017 ‎(7)
12/18/201801/26/2018Pavement Design Guide Update for All Projects with Full Depth Pavement
This memo supersedes Design Memorandum 6A-99 foa all pavement design activities performed by District Design and Consultant Engineer personnel.
05-17 -02-17.pdf
3/28/201703/28/2017eNOI System for KYTC Construction Stormwater Permits and Consistency in Proposal Content
Modifications to the current eNOI application process.
2/7/201702/07/2017Performance Based Flexible Solutions (PBFS) Guidance for Project Development
How the Performance Based Flexible Solutions (PBFS) in the project development process should be applied.
1/6/201701/06/2017HD-200 Administrative Procedures, HD-300 Surveying, HD-700 Geometric Design Guidelines, HD-800 Roadside Design, HD-900 Intersections, HD-1000 Pavement, HD-1100 Access Management, HD-1200 Signing and Pavement Markings, HD-1300 Right of Way,HD-1400, HD-1500
The status of the rewrite of the KYTC Highway Design Manual. The following chapters are being released : HD-300 Surveying, HD-700 Geometric Design Guidelines, HD-800 Roadside Design, HD-900 Intersections, HD-1000 Pavement, HD-1100 Access Management, HD-1200 Signing and Pavement Markings, HD-1300 Right of Way, HD-1400 Railroads
expand Year : 2016 ‎(3)
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