Traffic Design Standards and Tools


Below are standards and tools used in the design of traffic signals and roadway lighting.
For questions or comments, contact Jessica Goodwin.

CADD Standards and Traffic Operations Cell Library

The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet uses Microstation Version 8 for all design plans. All plans must comply with the standards set forth by the Division of Highway Design. The links below provide access to these standards and a cell library for use in all traffic signal and roadway lighting plans.


Materials and Estimate Spreadsheets

The Division of Traffic Operations supplies certain materials for traffic signal installations. For accounting and project management purposes, an Install Items List and Release of Warehouse Materials Form shall be provided with all traffic signal plans for projects and permits.  For projects, an estimate spreadsheet shall be provided for traffic signal and lighting plans. Below are downloadable Excel versions of these spreadsheets:

Permit Install Items list 1-29-2018.xls
2/8/2018 7:52 AMPermit Install Items list 1-29-2018
Permit Release of Warehouse Materials Form.xls
3/21/2016 2:35 PMPermit Release of Warehouse Materials Form
Project Install Items list 1-29-2018.xls
2/8/2018 8:31 AMProject Install Items list 1-29-2018
Project Install Items Mastarm 1-29-2018.xls
2/8/2018 8:00 AMProject Install Items Mastarm 1-29-2018
Project Release of Warehouse Materials Form.xls
3/21/2016 2:35 PMProject Release of Warehouse Materials Form

Traffic Signal and Roadway Lighting Standard Detail Sheets (New! Lighting and Signals are linked directly to Projectwise and are the current Standards)

The Division of Traffic Operations has developed Standard Detail Sheets for inclusion in traffic signal and roadway lighting plans. Below are links to the Standard Detail Sheets.  They are listed in the order they are to be inserted into a plan set.​
expand Category : Bid Item Notes for Lighting & Signals ‎(1)
2017 Signal and Lighting Estimate.xlsx 
1/31/2018 1:02 PM2017 Signal and Lighting Estimate
expand Category : Roadway Lighting Standard Detail Sheets ‎(23)
02-Quantity Sheet (SU) lighting.pdf 
1/31/2018 1:08 PM02-Quantity Sheet (SU) lighting
03 08-HM Low Device (HM).pdf 
6/4/2012 12:33 PM03 08-HM Low Device (HM)
03-Cobrafuse (CL).pdf 
1/30/2018 10:24 AM03-Cobrafuse (CL)
04 09-HM Base (HM).pdf 
3/20/2017 2:16 PM04 09-HM Base (HM)
04-Shepcrookfuse (CL).pdf 
6/23/2014 8:17 AM04-Shepcrookfuse (CL)
05 10-HM Pole (HM).pdf 
4/26/2016 1:22 PM05 10-HM Pole (HM)
05-Vectorfuse (CL).pdf 
3/20/2017 2:15 PM05-Vectorfuse (CL)
06 07 11-Junction Box (JB).pdf 
3/20/2017 2:15 PM06 07 11-Junction Box (JB)
06-Tformer Base (CL).pdf 
3/20/2017 2:15 PM06-Tformer Base (CL)
07 09 12-Service (SE).pdf 
3/20/2017 2:15 PM07 09 12-Service (SE)
08 10 13-Service Base (SE).pdf 
3/20/2017 2:15 PM08 10 13-Service Base (SE)
expand Category : Standard Detail Sheet Order ‎(1)
Current Standards.doc 
1/30/2018 10:27 AMCurrent Standards
expand Category : Traffic Signal Standard Detail Sheets ‎(27)
02-Quantity Sheet (SU).pdf 
1/30/2018 10:23 AM02-Quantity Sheet (SU)
03-Cabinet Base (CA).pdf 
1/30/2018 10:24 AM03-Cabinet Base (CA)
1 - 30Next

Sign Standard Detail Sheets

Below are links to the Sign Standard Detail Sheets for inclusion in sign plans.  They are listed in the order they are to be inserted into a plan set.​

T001 Signing Summary of Quantities.dgn
T001 Signing Summary of Quantities.pdf
T002 Signing General Notes.dgn
T002 Signing General Notes.pdf
T005 Positioning Detail Sheet.dgn
T005 Positioning Detail Sheet.pdf
T006 Specific Service (LOGO).dgn
T006 Specific Service (LOGO).pdf
T007 Panel Signs Detail Sheet.dgn
T007 Panel Signs Detail Sheet.pdf
T009 Sheeting Sign Detail Sheet 1 of 2.dgn
T009 Sheeting Sign Detail Sheet 1 of 2.pdf
T010 Sheeting Sign Detail Sheet 2 of 2.dgn
T010 Sheeting Sign Detail Sheet 2 of 2.pdf
T011 Gen Misc Posts Detail Sheet .dgn
T011 Gen Misc Posts Detail Sheet .pdf
T012 Gen Typ Std Signs Detail Sheet.dgn
T012 Gen Typ Std Signs Detail Sheet.pdf
T013 Final - Barrier Wall Mounting Detail Sheet.dgn
T013 Final - Barrier Wall Mounting Detail Sheet.pdf
T014 Median Barrier Wall Post Detail.dgn
T014 Median Barrier Wall Post Detail.pdf
T016 Gore Sign Sheeting Detail_1.dgn
T016 Gore Sign Sheeting Detail_1.PDF
T016 Gore Sign Sheeting Detail_2.dgn
T016 Gore Sign Sheeting Detail_2.pdf
expand Category : Signs Standard Detail Sheets ‎(26)

Steel Strain Pole Analysis (SALSA)

This program calculates the required strengths for steel strain poles, steel mast arm poles, and steel highmast poles based upon the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires, and Traffic Signals, 2013 Edition.


A web application for SALSA is now available.  All users will need to request a login/password.  Please email Jessica Go​odwin for access. 


Prequalification in Electrical Engineering Traffic Signal Services is required to receive access to SALSA.

Signal and Lighting Tutorial for Project Design/FAA & KAZC permits

These documents provide a step by step process for the development of traffic signal and roadway lighting plans and for the submittal of FAA & KAZC permits.

Signal Plan Preparation Tutorial.docx

Lighting Plan Preparation Tutorial.docx

FAA and KAZC permits procedures.docx

Conduit Sizing  and Voltage Drop Calculator

The Conduit Sizing spreadsheet calculates the required conduit size based on the number and type of wires/cables to be installed in Rigid Steel, PVC Schedule 40, and HDPE.
The Conduit Sizing Sch. 80 PVC calculates the require conduit size based on the number and type or wires to be installed.
The voltage drop spreadsheet calculates the required wire based on the number fixtures added to the circuit.


conduit sizing.xls
9/1/2011 5:15 PM

Pole Base Volume Calculator

This spreadsheet calculates volumes based based on the  diameter and depth of pole bases for traffic signals and roadway lighting​.

5/12/2011 1:11 PM

​Lighting Software

The following program is approved for roadway lighting layout analysis:

AGi32 (Lighting Analysts illumination engineering software). The photometric design should be changed to a 3D design for high mast lighting.  For typical design process, see tutorial above.

​This page is maintained by, who may be contacted to make corrections or changes.
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