Guidance and Forms



Guidance Manual

The Division of Environmental Analysis operates in conformance with its Guidance Manual approved September 4, 2014.  The Manual provides quidance on a wide variety of topics that are integral to the environmental processes managed by the Division.  All work conducted for the Division is to be in conformance with the Guidance Manual.

Guidance & Accountability Forms

The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) and Federal Highway Administration – Kentucky 
Division (FHWA) have designed and implemented Guidance and Accountability Forms (GAF) to 
be used during the development of base studies prepared for projects being evaluated under 
either an Environmental Assessment (EA) or Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The forms 
are a result of a coordinated effort between the agencies to improve the quality and 
consistency of the environmental reports. The purpose of the GAF is to clearly document 
the expectations of the KYTC and FHWA with regard to the content of base study reports and 
environmental assessment documents.
GAF have been developed for thirteen study areas: Air Quality, Cultural/Historic, Archaeology, 
Aquatic and Terrestrial Studies, Biological Assessment, Noise, Socioeconomic, UST/Hazardous 
Materials, Environmental Assessment, Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI), Draft Environmental 
Impact Statement (DEIS), Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) and Record of Decision (ROD). 
The forms are designed for signature and submittal by the prime consultant for the project. The 
GAF consist of a checklist of items that must be addressed in the subject report. The GAF also 
require the identification of any commitments for future activities or investigation, any mitigation 
that may be required and any other special issues that should be brought to the attention of the 
Project Team as the project is advanced. Once a report is accepted by KYTC-DEA reviewers, the GAF 
and report are sent to the District Environmental Coordinator and the District Project Manager for 
their signatures.

Other Guidance

Other guidance, policies and procedures that are developed by the KYTC Division of Environmental 
Analysis are also made available through this site.  As new procedures evolve, KYTC will disseminate 
them through an email list that it maintains and will also post the information here.  If you would 
like to be included on DEAs email list, please contact Ann Perkins at (502)564-7250.
For more information contact  
T​yler ReynoldsBranch Manager for Project Management
(502)564-7250 ​
Air Quality
Cultural Resources
Ecology and Permitting
Project Management
Section 4(f)
USTs and Hazardous Materials
AASHTO General Information
Consulting Party Projects
DEA Guidance Manual
Environmental MEMO's
FHWA Environmental Handbook
Guidance and Accountability Forms
KYTC Environmental Handbook
KYTC Environmental Overview
Links to Maps, Images and GIS Data
Partnering Efforts
Streamlining Agreements
Public Information Toolbox
Rest Area Pollution Control
GAF Air Quality (TC 58-33)
GAF Archaeological Phase 1 (TC 58-35) (No Longer In Use)
GAF Biological Assessment (BA) (TC 58-36)
GAF Draft Environemntal Impact Statement (TC 58-39)
GAF Ecological Study (TC 58-34)
GAF Historic Resources (TC 58-41) (No Longer In Use)
GAF Noise Analysis and Abatement (TC 58-42)
DEA Supplier Feedback Request (TC 58-37)
No Effect Finding form - State Funded v3.0 (TC 58-55)
No Effect Finding form v3.0 (TC 58-54)
Surplus Prop CE LVL 1 Form (TC 58-46)
Surplus Property Notification Form (TC 58-47)
2008-2012 ACS Population Data.xlsx2008-2012 ACS Population Data
Categorical Exclusion Agreement 2018.pdfCategorical Exclusion Agreement 2018
Guidance for Permits.pdfGuidance for Permits
KYTC FWHA Programmatic CMOA 2012-B-0854.pdfKYTC FWHA Programmatic CMOA 2012-B-0854
Noise Guidance Reduction Design Goal 2013.pdfNoise Guidance Reduction Design Goal 2013
Section 106 Handbook 6-7-2011.pdfSection 106 Handbook 6-7-2011
Section 106 PA - Final Signed w Links to Handbook.pdfSection 106 PA - Final Signed w Links to Handbook
Summary of changes to the KYTC Noise Policy2011 dmw.pdfSummary of changes to the KYTC Noise Policy2011 dmw
2011 Noise Policy.pdf2011 Noise Policy
2015 KYTC Noise Analysis and Abatement Policy.pdf2015 KYTC Noise Analysis and Abatement Policy
2015 KYTC Noise Policy change summary with QandA.pdf2015 KYTC Noise Policy change summary with QandA
2015 KYTC Traffic Noise Abatement Calculation Guide.pdf2015 KYTC Traffic Noise Abatement Calculation Guide
2017 HAM Final 04-02-2018.pdf2017 HAM Final 04-02-2018
2020 Air Quality Guidance - Summary of Changes.pdf2020 Air Quality Guidance - Summary of Changes
2020 KYTC Air Quality Guidance 6.4.21.pdf2020 KYTC Air Quality Guidance 6.4.21
2020 KYTC Noise Analysis and Abatement Policy - 8-1-2022 Update.pdf2020 KYTC Noise Analysis and Abatement Policy - 8-1-2022 Update
2020 KYTC Noise Analysis and Abatement Policy.pdf2020 KYTC Noise Analysis and Abatement Policy
2020 Noise Policy - Summary of Changes.pdf2020 Noise Policy - Summary of Changes
2020 Programmtic Agreement User Guide Appendices.pdf2020 Programmtic Agreement User Guide Appendices
2022 Revised KYTC Noise Analysis and Abatement Policy (7-11-2022)-posted - 8-1-2022.pdf2022 Revised KYTC Noise Analysis and Abatement Policy (7-11-2022)-posted - 8-1-2022
4-step Process to Assess bat usage of Bridges.docx4-step Process to Assess bat usage of Bridges
Consent Release Memo 2021.pdfConsent Release Memo 2021
Construction Contractor Template SPCC.docConstruction Contractor Template SPCC
DEA Contacts 11-30-2022.xlsxDEA Contacts 11-30-2022
DEA Guidance Manual.pdfDEA Guidance Manual
DEA Species Abbreviations April2018.xlsxDEA Species Abbreviations April2018
EJ Survey Form Letter.docxEJ Survey Form Letter
FHWA MSAT Guidance 2016.pdfFHWA MSAT Guidance 2016
Final BO FHWA KY Programmatic for Bats 04172020.pdfFinal BO FHWA KY Programmatic for Bats 04172020
Final DEA Manhour Estimates.xlsFinal DEA Manhour Estimates
Final FHWA_KYTC Prog BA.docxFinal FHWA_KYTC Prog BA
KYTC DEA District Responsibilities 08-09-23.pdfKYTC DEA District Responsibilities 08-09-23
No Effect Agreement Template.docxNo Effect Agreement Template
Prog BO Key Project Factors Summary.docxProg BO Key Project Factors Summary
Programmatic 4(f) for Historic Bridges (TC 58-57).docxProgrammatic 4(f) for Historic Bridges (TC 58-57)
Resident Traffic Noise QA (003).docxResident Traffic Noise QA (003)
Resident Traffic Noise QA (003).pdfResident Traffic Noise QA (003)
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