

Census Justice Growth Community Relocations

The Project Management Branch of the Division of Environmental Analysis is responsible for the development and analysis of socioeconomic information as needed for project development.  Socioeconomic analysis considers the potential for impacts to land use, farmlands, residential and commercial relocations, recreational and community resources and sensitive populations relative to Environmental Justice.  Socioeconomic Subject Matter Experts have the knowledge and training required to appropriately address impacts to community resources such as public parks and recreational areas in compliance with requirements of Section 4(f) of the Transportation Act and Section 6(f) of the Land and Water Conservation Act.  Socioeconomic analysis also considers Environmental Justice ​ effects to low income and minority populations.  KYTC identifies these populations and incorporates enhanced public involvement efforts and appropriate mitigation for these protected communities in the project development process.

For more information contact 
Tyler Renolds​, Branch Manager for Project Management
National Parks Service Land & Water Conservation Fund Program
TC 58-58 Section 4(f) Section 6(f) Project Summary
LWCF Past Projects
Air Quality
Cultural Resources
Ecology and Permitting
Project Management
Section 4(f)
USTs and Hazardous Materials
AASHTO General Information
Consulting Party Projects
DEA Guidance Manual
Environmental MEMO's
FHWA Environmental Handbook
Guidance and Accountability Forms
KYTC Environmental Handbook
KYTC Environmental Overview
Links to Maps, Images and GIS Data
Partnering Efforts
Streamlining Agreements
Public Information Toolbox
Rest Area Pollution Control
TC 58-58 Section 4(f) Section 6(f) Project Summary
FHWA De Minimis Guidance (12/13/05)
FHWA Section 4(f) Historic Bridges (De Minimis)
FHWA Section 4(f) Toolkit
FHWA Section 4(f) Historic Bridges (MEMO)
FHWA Question and Answers on De Minimis
FHWA Environmental Handbook - Section 4(f)
AASHTO Ctr for Environmental Excellence - Section 4
Public Parks, Wildlife and Waterfowl Refuges, Recreational Lands
Programmatic 4(f) for Historic Bridges (TC 58-57)
Census State Data Centers: Kentucky (BIDC)
Kentucky State Data Center Network
US Census Bureau
AASHTO Guidance - Land Use Smart Growth
National Park Service
NRCS: Land Evaluation & Site Assessment (LESA)
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