Underground Storage Tanks and Hazardous Materials


Bell County Tack oil Pond Remediation
The Remediation Section is comprised of Professional Geologists and Environmental Scientists who provide regulatory guidance and expertise related to property contamination that may result from underground storage tanks (USTs) or other uses.  These experts interact with members of the KYTC District project teams, right of way sections, and facility/bridge maintenance members to assure that properties are addressed in compliance with state and regulatory requirements.  This is achieved conducting Preliminary Site Assessments, Site Characterizations, Site Remediation, and Asbestos Inspections.
The UST/Hazmat Section is guided by codes, regulations and statutes related to UST’s, hazardous wastes and other wastes subject to regulation.  Environmental services performed by the contracted environmental consultants and DEA staff complies with all applicable federal, state and local regulations, codes and statutes.
Regulations generally applied to UST/Hazmat projects include; 
Air Quality
Cultural Resources
Ecology and Permitting
Project Management
Section 4(f)
USTs and Hazardous Materials
AASHTO General Information
Consulting Party Projects
DEA Guidance Manual
Environmental MEMO's
FHWA Environmental Handbook
Guidance and Accountability Forms
KYTC Environmental Handbook
KYTC Environmental Overview
Links to Maps, Images and GIS Data
Partnering Efforts
Streamlining Agreements
Public Information Toolbox
Rest Area Pollution Control

For more information contact

Chris Cummins, Remediation Section Supervisor
All Districts
(502) 564-7250
Craig J. CraigEnvironmental Scientist Consultant I
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
(502) 564-7250
O'Dail Lawson, Environmental Scientist Consultant I
Districts 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12
(502) 564-7250
Brittany Stratton, Geologist I
All Districts
(502) ​564-7250

Kaitlyn Deskins​, Environmental Scientist I
All Districts
(502) 564-7250

Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) Title III
National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP)
US EPA - Region 4
Kentucky Division of Waste Management
Mid-Atlantic Brownfields & Land Revitalization
​This page is maintained by Emma.Priger@ky.gov​, who may be contacted to make corrections or changes.

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