Section 4(f)

Colville Covered Bridge Bourbon County

Section 4(f) applies to projects that receive funding from or require approval by an agency of the U.S. Department of Transportation.  Section 4(f) properties include publicly owned public parks, recreation areas, and wildlife or waterfowl refuges, or any publicly or privately owned historic site listed or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places.  Section 4(f) requires that the DOT agency select an avoidance alternative to the use of the protected property unless there is no feasible or prudent alternative.
The FHWA is ultimately responsible for making all decisions related to Section 4(f) compliance. These include whether Section 4(f) applies to  a property, whether a use will occur, whether a de minimis impact determination may be made,  assessment of each alternative’s impacts to Section 4(f) properties, and determining whether the law allows the selection of a particular alternative after consulting with the appropriate officials with jurisdiction. 

For more information contact  
T​yler ReynoldsBranch Manager for Project Management
(502)564-7250 ​

TC 58-58 Section 4(f) Section 6(f) Project Summary
FHWA De Minimis Guidance (12/13/05)
FHWA Section 4(f) Historic Bridges (De Minimis)
FHWA Section 4(f) Toolkit
FHWA Section 4(f) Historic Bridges (MEMO)
FHWA Question and Answers on De Minimis
FHWA Environmental Handbook - Section 4(f)
AASHTO Ctr for Environmental Excellence - Section 4
Public Parks, Wildlife and Waterfowl Refuges, Recreational Lands
Programmatic 4(f) for Historic Bridges (TC 58-57)
200 Mero Street FrankfortKY40622KY8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. EST, M-F(502) 564-7250(502) 564-5655Danny.Peake@ky.gov,+Frankfort,+Franklin,+Kentucky+40601&gl=us&sqi=2&z=16&iwloc=A
Air Quality
Cultural Resources
Ecology and Permitting
Project Management
Section 4(f)
USTs and Hazardous Materials
AASHTO General Information
Consulting Party Projects
DEA Guidance Manual
Environmental MEMO's
FHWA Environmental Handbook
Guidance and Accountability Forms
KYTC Environmental Handbook
KYTC Environmental Overview
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Public Information Toolbox
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