Links to Maps, Images and GIS Data

Archaeology Dig Site
David Rumsey Map Collection - Historic map database and viewers
EarthExplorer - Aerial Photos from 1920-Present
Historic Map Works - Antique maps and historic atlases
Kentuckiana Digital Library - Kentucky Sanborn map collection
KYTC Pollinator Plots
Kentucky Atlas & Gazetteer - County general highway
Kentucky Geologic Map viewer - Multiple data layers from the Kentucky Geological Society
Kentucky Geological Survey - Kentucky Geological Survey maps and GIS data
Kentucky Mine Mapping Information System - Digitized and georeferenced maps of underground mines
KyGeoNet - Kentucky Geography Network for geospatial data
KyGovMaps - Kentucky Geography Network web maps and data viewers
KYTC Bridge Data Miner / Bridge ID#
KYTC Environmental Overview
KYTC Projects Archive - ArcIMS viewer of archived project plans from 1909 - Present
Library of Congress - Online map collections
National Map Viewer - Multiple data layers for the entire nation (USGS)
Topographic Map Symbols - Guide to the map symbols on topographic maps (USGS)
University of Kentucky Map Collection - Maps, aerial photos, atlases, and gazetteers
USGS Maps, Imagery and Publications
USGS TopoView
Web Soil Survey - Soil data and information for the entire nation (NRCS)
For more information contact  
Carl Shields, Archaelogist
200 Mero Street FrankfortKY40622KY8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. EST, M-F(502) 564-7250(502) 564-5655Danny.Peake@ky.gov,+Frankfort,+Franklin,+Kentucky+40601&gl=us&sqi=2&z=16&iwloc=A
Air Quality
Cultural Resources
Ecology and Permitting
Project Management
Section 4(f)
USTs and Hazardous Materials
AASHTO General Information
Consulting Party Projects
DEA Guidance Manual
Environmental MEMO's
FHWA Environmental Handbook
Guidance and Accountability Forms
KYTC Environmental Handbook
KYTC Environmental Overview
Links to Maps, Images and GIS Data
Partnering Efforts
Streamlining Agreements
Public Information Toolbox
Rest Area Pollution Control
​This page is maintained by O', who may be contacted to make corrections or changes.

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