Kentucky Bicycle and Bikeway Commission

​​​​​​​KBBC logo abstract bicycle with the letters K B B C

Meeting Minutes, Agendas, and Schedules

2025 KBBC Meeting​s

  • KBBC 1st Quarter Meeting - March 3rd @ 11am EST
  • KBBC 2nd Quarter Meeting - May, Date TBD
  • KBBC 3rd Quarter Meeting - August, Date TBD
  • KBBC 4th Quater-Annual Meeting - November, Date TBD

2024 KBBC Meetings

2023 KBBC Meetings

2022 KBBC Meetings

2021 KBBC Meetings

2020 KBBC Meetings


Interested in applying for a Paula Nye Memorial Education Grant? ​Click here for a 2024 Nye Grant application. Applications must be submitted via email to by October 1st to be considered for a grant award.

Interested in supporting bicycle and pedestrian education programs in Kentucky? Consider purchasing a Share the Road license plate. Click on the Share The Road graphic below to find out more information.

Share the road cyclists and jogger

The primary public meeting space for regular meetings throughout the year is provided at the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, located at 200 Mero Street in Frankfort, KY.

Paula Nye Grant Check Presentation Photos

KBBC Commissioner presents a check to a Paula Nye Grant recipient
Commissioner Ian Ramsey presents a Paula Nye Memorial Education Grant check to Louisville Metro Division of Transportation.  

KBBC Commissioner presents a check to a Paula Nye Grant recipient 
Statewide Bike/Ped Coordinator Keith Lovan presents a Paula Nye Memorial Education Grant check to Bike Walk Kentucky.

KBBC Commissioner presents a check to a Paula Nye Grant recipient
Commissioner Olivia Birkenhauer presents a Paula Nye Memorial Education Grant check to YMCA of Greater Cincinnati Camp Ernst. 

KBBC Commissioner presents a check to a Paula Nye Grant recipient
Commissioners Ian Ramsey, Helen Bukulmez, William Gorton, Jeff Walther, and Phil Holoubek present Paula Nye Memorial Education Grant checks to LFUCG, Broke Spoke Bike Shop, and Bike Walk Kentucky.

KBBC Commissioner presents a check to a Paula Nye Grant recipientCommissioners Amir Piracha and Ian Ramsey present a Paula Nye Memorial Education Grant check to Norton Children's Hospital.

KBBC Commissioner presents a check to a Paula Nye Grant recipientLouisville Sting Composite Bike Team receives a Paula Nye Memorial Education Grant check.

​Current Commissioner Information

Commissioner Name
​Email Address
​Term Expiration
​Ian Ramsey, Chair/Treasurer
​Louisville, KY
​Helen Bukulmez, Vice Chair
​Paint Lick, KY
​Joy Brown
​Morehead, KY
​Kim Collins
​Richmond, KY
​Jeffrey Walther
​Lexington, KY


KBBC's Mission

The Kentucky Bicycle and Bikeway Commission (KBBC) formed by the Kentucky legislature in 1992. It is tasked to:

  • Represent the interests of bicyclists in advising the Secretary of the Transportation Cabinet in all matters pertaining to the usage, extent, and location of bicycles and bikeways
  • Assist the bicycle, pedestrian, and bikeway program in the exercise of its duties within the Cabinet
  • Promote the best interests of the bicycling public, within the context of the complete transportation system, to governing officials, and the public at large (KRS 174.125(3)(a)-(c))

200 Mero Street, 5th Floor WestFrankfortKY40622KY8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. EST, M-F(502) 782-5060keith.lovan@ky.gov,+Frankfort,+Franklin,+Kentucky+40601&gl=us&sqi=2&z=16&iwloc=A
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