Complete Streets Program

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Person in wheelcahir parent walking with child person on bicycle passenger car transit bus

Featured Complete Streets Project: KY-8 Licking River Bridge in Northern Kentucky

The picture above is a conceptual design of the KY-8 Licking River Bridge in Northern Kentucky that aims to enable safer and more efficient service for pedestrians and cyclists. The current antiquated bridge that provides connection between Covington and Newport ​will be replaced with a new bridge enabling ​safer and more efficient service for pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists, and will incorporate Complete Streets concepts. An MPO study found that more than 700 pedestrians use this bridge daily. Head over to the project website for more information.  

New Guidance for a Modern Tran​sportation Network

The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet is excited to announce the development of the new Complete Streets, Roads, and Highways Manual. This manual replaces the previous KYTC Pedestrian and Bicycle Travel Demand Policy implemented in 2002, which provided guidance for bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure. Historically, streets and highways were designed around motor vehicle traffic and did not always consider alternative modes of transportation. Today, our transportation planners and designers approach roadway development holistically, taking the needs of all users into account and construct facilities accordingly.

What is a Complete Street?

A complete street is a street, road, or highway that is safe and accommodating for all expected users. Complete street design varies based on land use, corridor characteristics, and expected user types. Complete streets are for every community, from small towns to dense urban centers. They provide transportation choices for pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, motor vehicle drivers, freight carriers, and others within the context of the surrounding area. Complete streets in the Commonwealth of Kentucky provide safe, connected, comfortable, equitable, and accessible transportation networks that provide people with the freedom to travel to the places they want to go and allow for the transportation of goods and services. Complete Streets utilize the Safe System Approach, as illustrated in the graphic below.

The safe systems approach components include safe road users safe vehicles safe speeds safe roads and post crash care

Who can utilize this?

The manual goes in-depth and covers everything you need to know about Complete Streets development; it offers guidance, recommendations, and resources. This manual is intended to support planners, engineers, transportation agencies, and all communities throughout Kentucky. All in all, it's about safety, equitability, and accessibility for users of Kentucky's multimodal transportation network. 

Download the Manual Here

View KYTC's Complete Streets Policy Here

Local Complete Streets Policies and Ordinances in Kentucky

USDOT Awarded Grants for Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A)

USDOT Grant Table 1.png
USDOT Grant Table 2.png

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