Bike Walk Kentucky


 ​KYTC and LFUCG employees conduct at road safety audit at a busy intersection in Lexington
Capitol Avenue (KY-420) in Frankfort recently had a roadway reconfiguration completed and was restriped with dedicated bicycle lanes to accomodate cyclists. The reduction from four narrow through lanes with unmarked roadside parking to two wider through lanes with two dedicated bicycle lanes and marked roadside parking better serves the context and needs of this corridor.

Pedestrian and Bicyclist Fatalities in Kentucky Since 2019

​Bicyclist (no helmet)
Bicyclist (helmet)
​​2019 YE
​2020 YE
​2021​ YE
​2022 YE
2023​ ​YE
​​2024 YTD


  • Pedestrian and bicyclist fatalities have steadily been on the rise in Kentucky over the last five years; see the latest statistics in the table above. Motorists are not always to blame for incidents involving pedestrians and cyclists - be attententive to your surroundings and make yourself easily visible while walking or biking on or near roadways. Be sure to wear a proper-fitting helmet while cycling as well.
  • The 2024 KBBC Annual Meeting will be held in Morehead at the Eagle Trace Golf Course on November 7th & 8th. Check out the KBBC Webpage for more details. 
  • KYTC is pleased to announce that a new safety measure has been approved by Federal Highways Administration (FHWA) to now use green-colored pavement for marked bicycle lanes and bicycle lane extensions in the commonwealth for all roadways. The green-colored pavement helps make motorists more aware of the presence of the bicycle facility on the roadway.
  • There is only one more Complete Streets Workshop for 2024! It is a shortened, 2 hour basic training being held virtually on Wednesday November 6th. To register for the virtual workshop, please visit the Complete Streets Webpage.
  • Bicycle Friendly Communities and Businesses can apply ​for recognition of these accolades​ with the League of American Bicyclists. Click on the application link if your community or busniess is interested ​in this recognition. The deadline for businesses is October 30th, 2024 and the community deadline is June 25th, 2025. 

Recent Developments

  • Louisville celebrates National Bike to Work Day

Norton Children's Hospital Bike Safety Rodeo Program participants

Paula Nye Memorial Education grant flyer with a Share the Road license plate

Paula Nye Memorial Bicyclist and Pedestrian Education Grant

The Kentucky Bicycle and Bikeways Commission administers Paula Nye Grants that help fund safety and advocacy projects for non-motorized transportation.

Download the Grant Application ​below:

Paula Nye Memorial Educational Grant Application ​2024

​This page is maintained by, who may be contacted to make corrections or changes.

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