How will this RCUT work?
- North and Southbound traffic along US 41 will not be affected.
- Northbound traffic turning onto Wolf Hills Road will not be affected.
- Southbound traffic turning onto Stratman Road will not be affected.
- Traffic exiting Wolf Hills Road will be required to make a right turn onto US 41. From there motorists can either continue northward towards Indiana or take the new u-turn lane to head back towards Henderson.
- Traffic exiting Stratman Road will be required to make a right turn onto US 41. From there motorists can either continue northward towards Henderson or take the new u-turn lane to head back towards Indiana.
Project Overview
The Twin Bridges in Henderson serve as a primary connection between northwest Kentucky and southern Indiana, with over 41,000 vehicles crossing the Ohio River at that point each day, but a recent study found the stretch of highway just south of the bridges to be somewhat problematic. An investigation of motor vehicle crashes found that the intersection of US 41 and Wolf Hills Road/Stratman Road, located between the 18.1 and 18.9 mile points, has recorded a high number of fatal and serious injury crashes during the last five years.
Between 2019 and 2022, 94 crashes were recorded at that intersection, with five of those resulting in serious injury or death.
In order to reduce the number of potential conflict points, or points where vehicles cross the path of oncoming traffic, KYTC has created an RCUT intersection at that location.
What is an RCUT?
An RCUT — short for Restricted Crossing U-Turn — is an intersection that eliminates left turns from secondary roads by creating two new U-turn lanes.
Intersection data
In its current configuration, vehicles exiting Wolf Hills Rd onto US 41 wishing to turn left must either cross both lanes of northbound traffic and attempt to merge with southbound motorists to make, or they are forced to cross the bridge and make a u-turn.
An average of 41,375 vehicles pass between the 18.1 and 18.9 mile points
of US 41 each day.
An average of 1,200 vehicles exit Wolf Hills Rd onto US 41 each day.
An average of 618 vehicles exit Stratman Rd onto US 41 each day.
Between 2018-2022 there were 94 crashes on this stretch of road, with 5 resulting in serious injury or death.
During this period crash frequency was spread evenly throughout the day and night.
Most crashes (60) happened during clear weather.
- Friday (21) and Tuesday (20) saw the highest number of crashes.
What are the benefits of an RCUT?
Enhanced safety – Motorists only focus on one direction of oncoming traffic at a time, making the intersection safer and easier to navigate.
Increased efficiency – The RCUT design has fewer traffic lights and stops when compared to a standard intersection, resulting in shorter wait times for motorists.
More capacity – Each direction of an RCUT operates independently by creating two one-way streets to decongest the flow of traffic.
When can an RCUT be used?
RCUTs are most effective when an intersection has:
Median-divided highways
Heavy through and left-turn traffic volumes on the main road
Low through and left-turn traffic volumes on side streets
How does an RCUT work?
When approaching an RCUT from the main road, drivers can continue straight or make a left/right turn
When approaching from side streets, drivers start by making a right turn
After turning right, drivers can continue straight or enter the left turn lane to make a U-turn through the median
After making a U-turn, drivers can complete their desired movement through the intersection