An Official Website of the Commonwealth of Kentucky
Welcome to the forms resource page for the Permits Branch. The links below provide access to both electronic and print-only versions of the forms. Adobe Reader is required for all PDF files and Microsoft Excel and Word or Open Office for all Excel and Word documents.
If you need assistance with completing any of the forms below, visit the Permits Branch homepage for contact information.
Technical support and answers to common technical questions are available here.
TC 99-1A
Application for Encroachment Permit
TC 99-7
Encroachment Permit Bond
TC 99-8
Self-Insured Bond
TC 99-22
Agreement for Services to be Performed
TC 99-27
Ownership Disclosure Statement
TC 99-28
Categorical Exclusion Checklist
TC 99-56
Application for Recycling Permit and Screening Plan Approval
TC 99-200
Limited Supplemental Guide Signs Application
TC 99-202
Temporary Agritourism Site Application
TC 99-203
Attraction Eligibility Information
TC 99-204
Signing Incentives Program Application
TC 99-208
Typical Highway Bore Detail for Fully Controlled Highways
TC 99-209
Typical Highway Bore Detail for Non-Fully Controlled Highways
TC 99-210
Rolling Roadblock for Permitted Work on Fully Controlled Highways
TC 99-211
Overhead Utility Encroachment Diagram for Fully Controlled Highways
TC 99-212
Overhead Utility Encroachment Diagram for Non-Fully Controlled Highways
TC 99-221
Application for Static Advertising Device
TC 99-222
Application for Electronic Advertising Device
TC 99-223
Advertising Device Annual Permit Renewal Request
TC 99-224
Advertising Device or Exchange Credit Ownership Transfer