An Official Website of the Commonwealth of Kentucky
Welcome to the forms resource page for the Division of Highway Design. The links below provide access to both electronic and print-only versions of the forms. Adobe Reader is required for all PDF files and Microsoft Excel and Word or Open Office for all Excel and Word documents.
If you need assistance with completing any of the forms below, visit the Division of Highway Design homepage for contact information.
Technical support and answers to common technical questions are available here.
TC 61-10
Final Plan Submittal and Project Certification for Federally Funded Projects
Click here.
TC 61-11
Final Plan Submittal for State-Funded Projects
TC 61-100
Drainage Design Summary
TC 61-120
Inlet Spacing: Curb Opening, Grated and Slotted Pipe Inlets
TC 61-505
Storm Sewer Design Computation Table
TC 61-509
Preliminary Drainage Risk Assessment for Floodplain Encroachment
TC 61-514
Control Monument Information Sheet
TC 61-516
Traffic Management Plan
Click here.
TC 61-517
Storm Sewer System Summary
TC 61-518
Drainage Structure Summary