An Official Website of the Commonwealth of Kentucky
Welcome to the forms resource page for the Division of Environmental Analysis. The links below provide access to both electronic and print-only versions of the forms. Adobe Reader is required for all PDF files and Microsoft Excel and Word or Open Office for all Excel and Word documents.
If you need assistance with completing any of the forms below, visit the Division of Environmental Analysis homepage for contact information.
Technical support and answers to common technical questions are available here.
TC 58-28
Project Impact Profile
TC 58-33
Air Quality Baseline GAF
TC 58-34
Ecological Study Format GAF
TC 58-35
Archaeological Phase I Investigation-Guidance and Accountability
TC 58-36
Biological Assessment GAF
TC 58-37
Supplier Feedback Request
TC 58-38
Environmental Assessment GAF
TC 58-39
Draft Environmental Impact Statement GAF
TC 58-40
Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)-Guidance and Accountability
TC 58-42
Noise Analysis and Abatement GAF
TC 58-43
Socioeconomic Impact GAF
TC 58-44
UST-Hazmat GAF
TC 58-46
Surplus Property Categorical Exclusion Impact Summary Sheet
TC 58-47
Surplus Property - Notification of Environmental Conditions
TC 58-48
CE Environmental Determination Checklist
TC 58-49
Environmental Project Impacts Reevaluation
TC 58-50
Assistance Request Form
TC 58-51
Record of Decision GAF
TC 58-52
Final Environmental Impact Statement GAF
TC 58-54
No Effect Finding v3.0
TC 58-55
No Effect Finding - State Funded v3.0
TC 58-56
Project Reevaluation
TC 58-57
Programmatic 4(f) for Historic Bridges
TC 58-58
Section 4(f)/Section 6(f) Project Summary