Forms Library (TC 56)


​Welcome to the forms resource page for the Department of Aviation.  The links below provide access to both electronic and print-only versions of the forms.  Adobe Reader is required for all PDF files and Microsoft Excel and Word or Open Office for all Excel and Word documents.


If you need assistance with completing any of the forms below, visit the Department of Aviation homepage for contact information.

Technical support and answers to common technical questions are available here.

Form Number

TC 56-50​

Application for Permit to Construct or Alter a Structure​


TC 56-51​

Request for Use of State-Owned or State-Chartered Aircraft​


TC 56-54​

Notification of Change in Oversight/Ownership of a Structure​


​TC 56-56

​Restricted Use Airport/Heliport Registration


TC 56-57​

Project Pre-Application for State Aid for Development of Public Airports​

TC 56-58​

Project Application for State Aid for Development of Public Airports​

TC 56-59​

Project Amendment Application for State Aid for Development of Public Airports​

​TC 56-60

Standard Invoice for State Aid on Public Airport Development Projects

TC 56-61​

Project Pre-Application for State Match on Federal Aid for Development of Public Airports

​TC 56-62

​Project Application for State Match on Federal Aid for Development of Public Airports


TC 56-63​

Project Amendment Application for State Match on Federal Aid for Development of Public Airports​


TC 56-64​

​Standard Invoice for State Match on Federal Aid for Public Airport Development Projects


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