Traffic Forecasting and Modeling


Microsimulation Modeling

Microsimulation guidance document, training videos, and related files.

Traffic Forecasting
Traffic Forecasts are created for design, planning and environmental analysis purposes.

Planning and Zoning Information
This document contains basic information about local planning and zoning agencies throughout the state.

Traffic Demand Modeling​​
The Kentucky Model Users Group addresses numerous traffic demand modeling issues and includes representatives from the KYTC, Kentucky Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), the consulting industry, academia, and other state DOTs.

Congestion Toolbox
The Congestion Toolbox is a comprehensive collection of tools that can be used to measure, manage, reduce and alleviate congestion. These tools include access management, corridor planning, managed lanes, ramp metering, roundabouts, traffic signal coordination, land-use planning and many others.​​

This page is maintained by, who may be contacted to make corrections or changes.

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