Traffic Counts

Interactive Statewide Traffic Counts Map (link opens in new tab)
Navigable, online map that includes Traffic Count Station locations and most current Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) for each site
KYTC Traffic Database (link opens in new tab)

 Query or browse the database for current volume and classification data, factors and historical AADTs

County Maps

Pdf maps that include Traffic Count Stations and AADT for each site

Incorporated Area Maps

Pdf maps that include Traffic Count Stations and AADT for each site

HIS Traffic Count Extract

The most up-to-date Traffic Count Extract can be found on the Road Centerline and Highway Information System Data page as the shapefile Traffic Flow (TF).

Vehicle Classification Information​

Excel database of current and historic statewide vehicle classification data

 Download Vehicle Classification Information

Permanent Data Acquisition Station Locations

Pdf listing of permanent  data acquisition locations with in-pavement sensors.

This page is maintained by, who may be contacted to make corrections or changes.

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