Road Centerline and Highway Information System Data


The road centerline network and highway information system (HIS) data below is collected and maintained by the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet. No warranty, expressed or implied, is given to the accuracy, completeness, reliability, or suitability for any particular purpose of the information or data contained in HIS. If questions arise concerning the currency, meaning, or usage of the data, contact the Division of Planning at (502) 564-7183.

For Use With GIS
The multiple file types within each .zip file together compose an ESRI™ SHAPEFILE and can be opened in a wide range of GIS programs. The shapefiles are in Kentucky State Plane Single Zone projection.

For Use In Spreadsheets
One of the files is a .dbf file that can be opened in a spreadsheet program such as MS Excel.

Road Centerline and Highway Information Systems Data

200 Mero StreetFrankfortKY40601KY8:00am-4:30pm EST, M-F(502) 564-7183,+Frankfort,+Franklin,+Kentucky+40601&gl=us&sqi=2&z=16&iwloc=A

This page is maintained by:, who may be contacted to make corrections or changes.

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