Bid Codes


Non-Standard Bid Codes
  • Non-standard items will be sequential 20000 5-digit number.
  • The 6th digit makes reference to the unit system (E-English).
  • The 7th digit represents where the bid item can be referenced.
  • 20000ES724 (S - Specification reference where the 3 digits are the section number in the Standards Specifications).
  • 20000ER810 (R - Supplemental specification reference where the 3 digits are the section number in the supplemental Specifications)
  • 20000EN1K (N - Special note where the 2 or 3 digits reference the special note)
  • 20000EP69 (P - Special provision where the 1 or 2 digits(s) that reference the provision number)
  • 20000ED (D - Plan note or detail)
  • 20000EC (C - Contract/proposal note)
  • 20000EX (X - Change order to be used only by the Division of Construction)
Current Bid Codes 

Last updated: 5/16/11

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