Road Centerline Attributes and Codes (Metadata)

General Definitions

Cardinal Direction:
The cardinal direction is the direction in which a road is linear-referenced in increasing milepoint order. For state-maintained roads, the cardinal direction is generally north or east.
Non-Cardinal Direction:
The non-cardinal direction is the direction in which a road is linear-referenced in decreasing milepoint order. For state-maintained roads, the non-cardinal direction is generally south or west.
Road Centerline Attribute Descriptions and Codes
RT_Unique: Primary route identifier using the following format:
CCC-PP-NNNNSS-sss, where:

CCC = Three-digit County Number
PP = Route Prefix (RT_Prefix)
NNNN = Route Number (RT_Number)
SS = Route Suffix (RT_Suffix)
sss = Route Section (RT_Section)
CO_Number: A piece of the RT_Unique used to identify a route's three-digit county number
RT_Prefix: A piece of the RT_Unique used to identify a route's type
RT_Suffix: A piece of the RT_Unique used to identify a route's suffix
RT_Section: A piece of the RT_Unique used to identify a route's segment type
Gov_Level: Road ownership indicator
DMI_Len_MI: Official segment length (in miles)
Graphic_Le: Unofficial, database-generated length (in miles)
Type_OP: Type of operation
Status: Adoption status by owning agency
Local Key: A randomly generated number that uniquely identifies each intersection-to-intersection centerline feature

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