Safety Education Programs


Occupant Protection Programs (Young Drivers to Older Drivers)

Seat Belt Safety

Rollover Simulator

The Rollover Simulator is used to give a visual representation of what can happen to motor vehicle occupants that are involved in a rollover crash.  Life-size dummies are used to demonstrate what can happen both inside and outside of a motor vehicle during a rollover crash, both unbuckled and buckled.

Rollover Simulator

Click here to watch a short clip about the rollover simulator

Vince & Larry (Crash Test Dummies) Buckle Up Bear
Buckle Up Bear
These characters teach children the importance of wearing a seatbelt by engaging in lively interaction with elementary and middle school students.


Impaired Driving Programs (Young Drivers to Older Drivers)

3D(Drunk, Drugged, Distracted Driving) Simulator
The 3D (Drunk, Drugged, Distracted Driving) Simulator are pedal carts that are driven through a road course set up with traffic cones, by an operator wearing Fatal Vision goggles or using a cell phone. This simulates operating a vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol or being distracted. This program can be presented at middle schools and high schools. 

Drunk Busters Pedal Cart

Click here to download Participant Waiver and Release Form (Pedal Cart)

Click here to download Parental Consent and Release Form (Pedal Cart)

Click here to download School Administrator Consent and Release Form (Pedal Cart)

Fatal Vision Goggles
A specially designed and manufactured pair of goggles that simulate visual impairment caused by drugs or alcohol. A wearer's normal perceptions are distorted by the goggles, similar to the effects of intoxication. The goggles are intended to convince both the wearer and those observing that alcohol impairment makes activities with known risks, such as driving vehicles, very dangerous and life-threatening.

Click here to watch a short clip about the fatal vision goggles
Click here for more information about Fatal Vision Goggles.
Ghost Out
The Grim Reaper removes selected students from the classroom. Each student represents a victim of an alcohol and drug related crash. The students write their obituary and a memorial service is held for the student body where each victim is laid to rest and their obituary is read.

Click here to view a video about Ghost Outs
Click here for more information about Ghost Outs

Sweet 16

A program for new teen drivers that covers the Graduated Drivers Licensing Law, the dangers of impaired and distracted driving and the importance of seatbelt safety.  This program is conducted in a classroom setting and allows student engagement in the program.    

Distracted Driving Program

This educational program is currently being operated under a grant and is not operational by KOHS. 


 Other Safety Programs

200 Mero Street, 6th FloorFrankfortKY40622KY8:00am-4:30pm EST, M-F(502) 564-1438(502) 564-0903 highwaysafety@ky.gov,+Frankfort,+Franklin,+Kentucky+40601&gl=us&sqi=2&z=16&iwloc=A


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