Kentucky Traffic Records Advisory Committee


​Welcome to the home of the Kentucky Traffic Records Advisory Committee (KTRAC).

The Kentucky Office of Highway Safety (KOHS) mission is " To support effective and collaborative partnerships to advance traffic safety awareness, education, and enforcement in an effort to save lives on Kentucky roadways.". The KOHS works to achieve this mission through a data driven approach to reduce highway crashes, injuries, and fatalities. KTRAC works to maintain and improve the systems and data within them that help in this effort.

The United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) National Highway Traffic Safety Adminstration (NHTSA) recommends that all states have a Traffic Records Coordinating Committee (TRCC). This group works to maintain traffic record systems in their state to support data-driven decision-making. The TRCC for Kentucky is KTRAC.

Please use the navigation on the right to explore our site.


​The core data systems supporting our data driven approach are:
  • Crash
  • Driver
  • Vehicle
  • Roadway
  • Citation and Adjudication
  • Injury Surveillance
If you have any questions about this page, please use this link to contact KTRAC.

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