Dedicated Left and Right Turn Lanes are auxiliary lanes that allow vehicles to safely turn at intersections without interfering with through traffic.
Turn lanes allow motorists to exit through lanes, proceed slowly and wait for gaps in oncoming traffic before turning. This reduces congestion by allowing turning vehicles to move out of the way of through traffic.
Because dedicated turn lanes allow vehicles to slow down, they reduce the risk and severity of turn-related crashes. National data shows that dedicated turn lanes:
reduce left-turn crashes by 28 – 48%, and
reduce right-turn crashes by 14 – 26%
When to use Dedicated Left and Right Turn Lanes
at major roadways with three- or four-leg intersections
at intersections with a high frequency of turns and/or turn-related crashes
Safety – Dedicated turn lanes reduce the risk and severity of turn-related crashes by allowing vehicles to slow down and stop before making turns.
Efficiency – Dedicated turn lanes reduce congestion and delays by allowing turning vehicles to move out of the way of through traffic.
Capacity – Dedicated turn lanes add capacity to intersections by creating more space for vehicles.
How to use Dedicated Left and Right Turn Lanes
Motorists should look for pavement markings and traffic signs to indicate direction of travel when entering dedicated left and right turn lanes. Before turning, drivers should slow down and wait for gaps in oncoming traffic.
Dedicated Left and Right Turn Lanes in Kentucky
Watterson Trail Turn Lanes Jefferson County