Restricted Crossing U-Turn


SafeRoad Solutions - Continuous Green T​​

A Restricted Crossing U-Turn (RCUT) is a four-lane highway intersection design consisting of one main intersection and two median crossover intersections. 


It includes:
  • ​A four-lane highway (two sets of lanes moving in opposite directions)
  • Two median crossover intersections
  • One main intersection

What are the benefits of an RCUT?
  • Enhanced safety – Motorists only focus on one direction of oncoming traffic at a time, making the intersection safer and easier to navigate.
  • Increased efficiency – The RCUT design has fewer traffic lights and stops when compared to a standard intersection, resulting in shorter wait times for motorists. ​
  • More capacity – Each direction of an RCUT operates independently by creating two one-way streets to decongest the flow of traffic.

​Kentucky Transportation Cabinet engineers looked at before-construction and after-construction crash data in Hardin County for the last three years (2021-2023). A KYTC analysis of data through October for RCUTs along the U.S. Highway 31W corridor improvement project completed in 2022 from Saint John Road to Crutz Lane and for six standalone RCUTs in Hardin County showed:

  • a combined 48% reduction in the annual average of crashes (from 267 per year before construction to 138 per year afterward)
  • an 82% reduction in injuries (from 44 per year to 8 per year) since opening
  • Preliminary monitoring by engineering staff also found a reduction in traffic delays for motorists.

When can an RCUT be used? 
  • RCUTs are most effective when an intersection has:
    • ​Median-divided highways
    • ​Heavy through and left-turn traffic volumes on the main road
    • Low through and left-turn traffic volumes on side streets

​How does an RCUT work?
  • When approaching an RCUT from the main road, drivers can continue straight or make a left/right turn 
  • When approaching from side streets, drivers start by making a right turn
    • ​After turning right, drivers can continue straight or enter the left turn lane to make a U-turn through the median
    • After making a U-turn, drivers can complete their desired movement through the intersection
  • ​Pedestrians follow crosswalks 
  • Bicyclists use pedestrian paths or follow the traffic law

Where are RCUTs in Kentucky?
KY 80/KY 1535: Laurel County

Ring Road/Bacon Creek Road intersection: Hardin County​

Fact Sheet

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