Submitted by Vicki Ruby, City
Clerk/Treasurer-MS4 Coordinator and Jo Biehle, 4th Grade Teacher
Worthington Elementary School
The City of Worthington demonstrated the importance of stormwater quality to
school children through creation of lunch room bulletin boards and a water
quality testing field trip aboard the P.A. Denny paddle boat operated by the
Ohio River Sanitation Commission.
A stormwater theme with the Disney Film WALL E, as a “Saving the Earth
through water conservation and pollution control” message. According to Jo
Biehle, 4th grade teacher, “ The kids really responded in a positive fashion to
the message on the bulletin board.”
- The City of Worthington purchased copies of "Discover Storm Water", ordered
through Project WET , for all fourth graders.
- Worthington Elementary School 4th grade students – Water testing trip aboard
the P. A. Denny paddle boat operated by the Ohio River Sanitation Commission.