Why is Clean Stormwater Important?
Untreated stormwater flows directly into our creeks, rivers and lakes where we swim, fish and boat.
- Water is directly linked to many of our daily activities and the quality of life in our communities. Many people do not know that much of the pollution in our waterways comes from our daily activities around the home, in the yard, in the car, at work, and outdoors. These activities contribute small amounts of pollutants that are washed into streams when it rains.
- Stormwater is not treated by a wastewater treatment plant. It goes directly into storm drains, swales, culverts or pipes that flow into our local streams and lakes that we fish and swim in. Oftentimes, these waterways are also the source for our drinking water.
What is Stormwater Pollution
Stormwater polution is anything in the stormwater that doesn’t belong there, including: litter, dirt, chemicals (such as fertilizer, herbicides and auto fluids), sewage, and yard waste.
- Stormwater pollution is the debris, chemicals, sediment, litter, and other materials that are picked up when it rains. After all, if it’s on the ground, it’s in your water.
Stormwater runoff is generated from rainfall washing over land that does not filter into the ground. As the runoff flows over the land, streets, parking lots, and rooftops, it accumulates debris, chemicals, sediment and other pollutants that adversely affect water quality.
How does polluted stormwater affect me?
- Higher water and sewer bills.
- Waters closed for swimming, boating and fishing.
- Increase in local cost for clean water compliance, leading to higher taxes or fees.
- Loss of some fish and aquatic insect species.
Our collective actions make a big impact on stormwater quality – it is important for you to do your part! There are simple and small changes that YOU can make to improve our water today and for future generations.
Story of another
The radio show All Things Considered recently released a two-part series on
stormwater pollution in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. They do a great job in
explaining the impact of polluting activities on a watershed. You can read it
or listen to it from the links below.
Wanted: Success
Let’s celebrate the successes that Kentucky’s Phase II MS4 communities have
with their stormwater education and participation programs. If you have a successful program or idea that you would like to share,
please send a brief description of your program to kytc.stormwater@ky.gov , along with
photos, so that we can add it to the success stories.
New KPDES Permit for Small MS4
The new Kentucky Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (KPDES) General
Permit to Discharge from a Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (sMS4)
into Waters of the Commonwealth (KYG20), was released for public notice in July
2009 and public comments are currently under review by the Kentucky Division of
Expedited Permit Approvals Are
Beginning August 1, 2009, the Kentucky Division of Water (KDOW) implemented
an electronic
Notice of Intent (eNOI) form, allowing for expedited permit approvals.
Notification of permit approval or denial will be provided by KDOW within 7 days
of submittal. Construction projects that contain 1 acre or more of disturbed
area and do not require an Individual Permit maybe filed in this manner.
New KPDES General
The new Kentucky Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (KPDES) General
Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Construction Activities
(KYR10), went into effect on August 1,