

Train on railroad at Ashland Amtrak Station 


Planning professionals at the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet are currently working on developing an updated Statewide Rail Plan and Rail Infrastructure As​sessment. The Rail Plan lays out a strategy for investments and needed steps designed to increase Kentucky’s economic growth, improve quality of l​ife, and improve equity of the state’s most vulnerable and impacted communities.  

2024 Statewide Rail Plan overview:

  • The plan will meet the federal government's Moving
    Ahead for Progress (MAP-21) transportation goals and
    Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act
  • Presents priorities and strategies to guide future rail
    service enhancements for the public
  • Outlines rail transportation's role within the Kentucky
    transportation system
  • Coordinates with other state transportation planning
    goals and programs including the State Freight Plan
    ​and Long-Range Statewide Transportation Plan
For more information on the Rail Plan, please visit the project website

Freight Railroads in Kentucky
     Info          Railroads Map

Passenger Railroads in Kentucky
     Webpage          Passenger Railroads Map

Statewide Rail Plan

     2015 Statewide Rail Plan

Rail Crossings

     Highway / Rail Grade Crossings

State Grants

  • Kentucky Short Line Infrastructure Preservation (KSLIP) Program


  • Kentucky Industrial Access and Safety Improvement (KIASI) Program

​               Webpage

  • Kentucky Rail Crossing Improvement (KRCI)

​​FY 2025 Kentucky Rail Crossing Improvement Guidance Document

FY 2025 Kentucky Rail Crossing Improvement Application TC 59-13

Railroad Annual Report

Annual Rail Report 2024 (Word)

Passenger Rail Studies

     GA, AL, TN, KY High Speed Rail Study - 2012

       Examination of I-75, I-64 and I-71 High Speed Rail Corridors - 1999

Rail GIS Data 

​To download Kentucky’s GIS rail data, go to the Kentucky Geography Network​ website and enter "Railroad" in the optional keyword area. (Rail switchyards, abandoned and active rail are available for download. Periodic updates to the GIS rail data will be made due to changes, additions, and subtractions of rail lines and ownership.

Railroad Assistance Funds 

Economic Development Tax Credit
KRS 154.32-010(14)(a)7 This tax credit is for corporations, LLCs, Partnerships, Limited partnerships, Sole Proprietorships, Business Trusts or other entities in manufacturing, agribusiness, non-retail service, technology or national or regional headquarters operations for the construction and installation of railroad spurs as needed to connect Economic Development projects to existing railroads. Click here for more information.  

Nonrefundable tax credit for railroad improvement ( 50% Tax Credit )
KRS 141.385 This 50% tax credit is for Class II & Class III railroads, or any person who transports property using the rail facilities of a Class II railroad or Class III railroad located in Kentucky or furnishes railroad-related property or services to a Class II railroad or Class III railroad located in Kentucky, to maintain or improve railroads located in Kentucky, including roadbeds, bridges, and related structures. Click here for more information.

Nonrefundable tax credit for railroad expansion or upgrade to accommodate transportation of fossil energy resources or biomass resources ( 25% Tax Credit )
KRS 141.386 This 25% tax credit is for corporations that owns fossil energy resources or biomass resources and transports these resources using rail facilities; or for railway companies that serve a corporation that owns fossil energy resources to expand or upgrade railroad track, including roadbeds, bridges, and related track structures, to accommodate the transport of fossil energy resources or biomass resources. Click here for more information.

Grants.gov is your source to FIND and APPLY for federal grants. Today, Grants.gov is a central storehouse for information on over 1,000 grant programs and provides access to approximately $500 billion in annual awards.

Rail Industry Resources                                               

​This page is maintained by Jacob.Rice@ky.gov, who may be contacted to make corrections or changes.​​

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