TSMO - Transportation Systems Management and Operations



Our Vision:

The transportation industry is always evolving as the needs of travelers and challenges change over time. TSMO, which stands for Transportation Systems Management and Operations, is an adaptive approach that’s big on collaboration to improve safety and mobility. It’s not a “one size fits all” solution but rather a framework to encourage project-specific strategies that enhance existing and upcoming transportation performance. This is often accomplished with the help of technology, like dynamic digital signs that inform truck drivers of available parking spaces at upcoming rest areas, or implementing transportation solutions, like using queue warning vehicles near work zones to reduce crashes. TSMO promotes safe and reliable travel options on our roadways for drivers and encourages effective, relatively quick and practical solutions to existing infrastructure challenges for practioners.

What is TSMO?

TSMO encompasses a broad set of strategies that aim to optimize the safe, efficient, and reliable use of existing and planned transportation infrastructure for all modes. It is a toolbox used to get the most out of the investments KYTC has already made and will make in the future. The TSMO program aims to improve the performance of the highway and street transportation system by implementing systems, services, and projects. TSMO includes all the things needed to maximize the benefits of ITS applications.​

Benefits of TSMO

Understanding the benefits of TSMO solutions and how they incorporate into our existing Project Development and Project Delivery and Preservation work gives the Transportation Cabinet access to a broader set of tools to assist project teams in making informed decisions that align with the Cabinet's vision for Kentucky.

 Featured Resources

TSMO Plans
There are three plans:

Other Documents

​Include TSMO strategies in your transportation planning to improve safety and mobility!

Projects & Case Studies
As we develop new strategies, we can measure the success of traffic flow and safety by adjusting parameters to improve the efficiency of traffic lights and assets.  

Here are a few of the case studies and success examples: 

US 27 Bypass Project Sheet
US 460 Project Sheet​
KY 876 Bypass Project Sheet​

TSMO Fact Sheets

FHWA generated 9 fact sheets to explain how TSMO relates to various transportation programs:

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​Cards -
Resources - ITS and MPO
TSMO Plans (main 3)
Future Dashboards (no link yet)
Contact us (Create form)
Projects (Wrongway, D7, etc.)

CAV.UKY.edu link
Create FHWA Page links


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