Traffic Operations


The Division's primary goal is to improve the safety and efficiency of the Commonwealth's highway system through the application of traffic control devices (such as signs, traffic signals, markings, etc.) and roadway lighting. The Division of Traffic Operations comprises four branches:

Traffic Engineering Branch

Contact: Jason Hyatt
The Traffic Engineering Branch provides expertise regarding the proper application of traffic control devices including traffic signals, beacons, roadway lighting, signing, and markings. This branch also handles installation and maintenance of large freeway/expressway signing.

System Operations Branch

Contact: Joe Thompson
The System Operations Branch is responsible for development of coordinated timing and communication networks for traffic signal systems.

Traffic Design Services Branch

The Traffic Design Services Branch supports the development of design plans for electrical devices (traffic signals, school flashers, beacons, roadway lighting, etc.) and establishes material specifications for items used in the installation and maintenance of these devices.

Traffic Safety Branch

Contact: Mike Vaughn
The Traffic Safety Branch primarily administers the federally funded Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP). HSIP's goal is to develop a data-informed highway safety culture within Kentucky, throughout all phases of project development and delivery, to prevent fatalities and serious injuries on all Kentucky's public roads.

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