Review Material for Superpave Plant
Technologist and Superpave Mix Design Technologist Requalification
The following links provide
example problems and related information that could be helpful to those who
choose to participate in the Requalification Examination to be given on December
10, 2013, December 11, 2013, and December 12, 2013. Please be advised that if you chose to take
the Superpave Mix Design Technologist Exam, both of the following review links
should be considered as study material. Along with your notification
letter that was sent to you by mail, you should have received a packet of review
material containing relevant AASHTO Standards. If you require other information
not included in this packet, please contact the Kentucky Transportation Center
at (859) 257-4513. Questions in regard to the following links can be directed
to the Asphalt Branch at (502) 564-3160.