An Official Website of the Commonwealth of Kentucky
Training Schedules and Registration Forms:
In addition to completing the appropriate registration form below, all state employees are required to complete form TC 12-242E (External Training Authorization & Registration). This form should be completed by the employee, approved by the supervisor and office head, and then sent to Stephanie Dunn of the Office of Human Resource Management. This form is now located on the KYTC intranet.
Link to Kentucky Crushed Stone Association's Web-Site, updated 11/04/2015.
Link to UK's Asphalt Training and Testing Web-Site, updated 09/07/2018.
Bridge Coatings Inspection
Link to SSPC's Web-Site for Bridge Coating Inspector Program (BCI), updated 05/08/2019.
Link to NACE's Web-Site for Coating Inspector Program, updated 05/08/2019.
Link to Kentucky Concrete Association (KCA) Web-Site, updated 3/13/2018.
Or contact John McChord of KCA at (800) 737-1535.
Erosion Control
Link to UK's KY Erosion Prevention & Sediment Control (KEPSC) Web-Site, updated 06/07/2021.
This course is required for all individuals that perform erosion control inspections on KYTC projects.
Link to UK's Grade and Drain Training Web-Site, updated 09/07/2018.
Pavement Markings
Structures Level I
Link to UK's Highway Structural Inspector Training Web-Site, updated 04/05/2021.
Work Zone Traffic Control and Flagging
University of Kentucky Qualification Training Web-Site, updated 01/04/2022.
American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA) Web-Site, updated 01/04/2022.
Kentucky Laborers' Training Fund Web-Site, updated 01/04/2022.
This page is maintained by, who may be contacted to make corrections or changes.