U.S. 25 South Leg


Safety improvements and congestion relief for a vital corridor 
Once part of the Dixie Highway, a nationally-important north-south passage that was blazed by automotive pioneers, U.S. 25 remains a route of regional significance as a key link between the growing communities of London and Corbin and as an alternate to Interstate 75.
The road serves ever-increasing volumes of commuters and truckers who use the route to reach the many industrial concerns located amidst residential areas, schools and retail businesses. As demands have exceeded the limits of the highway’s present design, the need for safety improvements and congestion relief has become apparent.
Design is underway on a revamped U.S. 25 that will meet these challenges. Though construction funding has not yet materialized for this project, the public will soon be presented with several design alternatives that will address the route’s deficiencies.

Improvements are planned to encompass the entirety of U.S. 25 between London and North Corbin. This project, known as the South Leg, includes the points between KY 1006 and  U.S. 25E; the North Leg section, which has over $16 million budgeted for right-of-way acquisition, utility changes and construction, would include points between KY 229 and KY 1006.

603 Railroad AveManchesterKY40962KY8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. EST, M-F(606) 598-2145(606) 598-8269KYTC.District11Info@ky.govhttps://www.google.com/maps/place/Railroad+Ave,+Manchester,+KY+40962/@37.1451594,-83.753039,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x884352bcbc44d08f:0xb076dae1ecb056e8!8m2!3d37.1451594!4d-83.7508503?hl=enhttps://www.facebook.com/KYTCDistrict11https://twitter.com/KYTCDistrict11
​This page is maintained by Les.Dixon@ky.gov, who may be contacted to make corrections or changes.

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