Construction Engineer's Resource Center


 Available KYTC/Contractor Forms

BRIDGING KY Engineering charge programs 20190521.xls

CUF Form.docx
Commercially Useful Function (CUF) Review

Pre-Pour Checklist.xls

Stockpiled Materials Calculation.xlsx

 TC 63-10

Cost-Plus Sheet














 TC 63-71.xlsx
Department Equipment Rental

TC 63-71.pdf
Department Equipment Rental


TC 63-73.xlsm
Piling Sheet
TC 63-73.pdf

Piling Sheet



TC 63-77.pdf
Notice of Potential Claim

TC 63-78.pdf
Acknowledgment of Notice of Potential Claim

 The Ultimate AUBP Excel Sheet

UBER_AUBP_Data 20231120.xlsx​​

This uber Average Unit Bid Price file contains a pivot table that will quickly sort all the item information we have in our databases. 

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