Utility Coordination


The Utilities and Rail Branch administers the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet's Utility Relocation function,  Railroad Coordination, and the Railroad Crossing Safety Program.
Towards the goal of Utility Relocation, the Branch supports the District Utilities Supervisors statewide. This is achieved through the review of relocation plans, proposals, agreements, and active support of District utility personnel. The Branch facilitates relocation agreements, invoice payments, and coordination of work with other agencies and other Cabinet Divisions.
The Cabinet’s utility relocation process is designed to be as flexible as possible to allow utility companies to utilize their own planning, design, construction, and accounting procedures to the greatest extent.  Proactive utility coordination early in the project life cycle will minimize the amount of effort needed later in the project or during construction and minimizes costly and time-consuming unexpected issues.
The Cabinet encourages avoidance of utility facilities by providing the design team with information, analysis, and subject matter expertise to avoid potential utility impacts.  If those impacts are unavoidable, staff will work to relocate utility facilities within a project in an orderly and fiscally responsible manner.  The process emphasizes communication among those whose work impacts utility coordination in transportation projects including communication between the Utilities and Rail Branch and utility owners to accurately identify and resolve issues with facilities that are affected by transportation projects as early as possible in the project life cycle.
Utilities & Rails Guidance Manual

Link to KURTS

KURTS Promo Video


KURTS Basics Training Video


KURTS Plans and Estimates


KURTS Invoicing

Standardized Forms
To support our goal of efficient and appropriate utility relocations, the Cabinet has developed and implemented standardized forms which are available for use.  To access these standardized forms, please select the link here: 

In further support of our mission, several document templates are available.  These documents are as identified in the Utilities and Rails Guidance Manual.
Base language used by the Cabinet is available in the Kentucky Utility and Rail Tracking System (KURTS). To become a user in KURTS, please contact the Utilities and Rail Branch and complete the KURTS User Agreement below.

​Attached are pertinent coordination documents that involve utility companies or outside agencies.  Internal only documents are housed on KYTC's intranet service.  ​

Utility Coordination Documents

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