Railroad Programs

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To provide for the professional acquisition of required right of way; the orderly relocation of affected families, businesses, and utilities; the safety improvements to highway railroad crossings; and the fair and equitable treatment of all citizens.​


coordinate rail involved projects icon
identify and implement railroad safety projects icon
increase value and safety of transportation systems icon
review technical documents, plans and proposals icon
contract with involved railroads icon
coordinate rail involved projects icon


Utilities and Rails Guidance Manual LinkUtilities and Rail Standardized FormsHighway-Rail Grade Crossing Survey


Stopped trains blocking crossings can create a hazard and impediment to the flow of traffic. If a train remains stopped and blocking a public crossing for more than 5 minutes please report to the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) by selecting the link below: https://www.fra.dot.gov/blockedcrossings/​​


Safety is a priority for the Cabinet, and crossings of vehicular traffic and trains are of particular concern. Warning devices at road-rail crossings lessen the probability of accidents but cannot altogether prevent highway-rail at-grade crossing accidents. The Cabinet prefers to consolidate crossings, close crossings, or provide grade-separated crossings. These efforts help to improve public safety, reduce motor vehicle congestion, and increase the railroads' speed and reliability.

When none of the above is feasible, the Rail Safety Program (Section 130 Program) may be utilized to install warning devices of vehicular traffic; such as, warning bells, lights, or gates.

The Utilities and Rail Branch railroad coordinators are responsible for maintaining an inventory of rail crossings with public roads throughout Kentucky. They take the information garnered within the inventory to prioritize the crossings statewide based on safety needs, facilitate the programming of funds for the needed improvements, and oversee the execution of these safety projects.

The purpose of the Cabinet’s Railroad Coordination Program is to negotiate coordination efforts with railroad companies directly affected by a Cabinet road construction project. When a road project adjoins or encompasse​s a railroad facility (such as a railroad track or railroad right of way), that facility owner becomes an active partn​er in the project’s development. The Cabinet is obligated to negotiate the terms of the project’s design as it impacts that owner and to compensate the owner for their involvement in the project as a whole.​​

The Cabinet’s railroad coordination process is designed to be as flexible as possible to allow railroad companies to utilize their own planning, design, inspection, and accounting procedures to the greatest extent. The terms of the project’s coordination are outlined in a term contract with the railroad owner, guaranteeing specific items required by statute, regulation, or legal opinion are present.

Proactive railroad coordination early in the project life cycle will minimize the amount of effort needed later in the project or during the construction of a project, and helps avoid costly and potentially time-consuming unexpected issues. The Utilities and Rail Branch’s railroad coordinator focuses on early and proactive communication, encouraging avoidance of rail facilities, but, most often, avoidance is not feasible. For these situations, the staff will work to provide the design team information and feedback from the railroad.

The process emphasizes communication among all those whose work impacts the railroad coordination in transportation projects including communication between the Utilities and Rail Branch and the railroad owner to accurately identify and resolve issues. The railroad coordinator provides information about future transportation projects to the railroad companies as part of their long-term and short-term planning.​​


Railroad Summary SheetTC 69-8 Statement of Charges Form
Each district office retains a Right of Way Supervisor and a Utility Supervisor to address the needs of public Cabinet projects. The Cabinet retains most project-specific Right of Way and Utility work in these district offices, which are located in 12 districts.

Below you will find Railroad Coordination Contacts for Central Office and Districts.​

NameJob TitleLocationEmail
Jennifer McCleveUtilities and Rail Branch ManagerCentral Office
Allen RustRailroad Coordination EngineerCentral Office
Robby HiteGeoprocessing CoordinatorCentral Office
Cherie PetermanResource Management Analyst IIICentral Office

Jennifer McCleve, PE
Utility Branch Manager
Phone: (502) 564-3210​

Division of Right of Way & Utilities
200 Mero Street, 4th Floor East
Frankfort, KY 40601
Phone: (502) 564-3210
Fax: (502) 564-0505
Hours: 8:00am-4:30pm EST, M-F

Team Kentucky ROW Utilities Rail logo​​

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