KTRAC Meeting Documents

​This page is the repository for documentation related to KTRAC meetings. Use the "MeetingDate" link to expand each meeting. The documents include:
  • Attendance - information about who was able to attend the meeting
  • Invitation - invite for the meeting
  • Notes - notes or minutes for the meeting
  • Scheduling - information about scheduling the meeting
expand MeetingDate : 2022-05-04 ‎(7)
expand MeetingDate : 2022-06-03 ‎(3)
expand MeetingDate : 2022-06-23 ‎(3)
expand MeetingDate : 2022-11-16 ‎(3)
expand MeetingDate : 2023-03-01 ‎(7)
expand MeetingDate : 2023-06-14 ‎(3)
expand MeetingDate : 2024-01-19 ‎(4)
expand MeetingDate : 2024-03-07 ‎(4)
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