Traffic Records Assessments

​One of the most valuable tools for evaluating and improving the traffic records system in Kentucky is to do a traffic records assessment. NHTSA has helped facilitate several assessments for Kentucky. The last of these assessments occurred in the spring of 2022.

What is an assessment?

A traffic records assessment compares the traffic records in your state against the "ideal".

What is the ideal system?

NHTSA worked with other states and agencies to build an "ideal" model for traffic records. The assessments compare our state against that "ideal". That ideal changes over time. Below are some of the standards.

What is involved?

Kentucky took advantage of the resources available from NHTSA to facilitate their assessments. NHTSA has an online portal solution for doing assessments - State Traffic Records Assessment Program (STRAP). This portal facilitates the orchestration of the assessment.

Assessment Questions?

The latest standard asks 328 questions of the state. Each question has suggested evidence to help answer the question.

Assessment Result Reports?

The output of the assessments is a comprehensive report. Below are links to the assessment reports from the last several to occur. KTRAC has assembled the interactive review pages for the newer reports.

    Interactive Reports
  • 2022 - explore
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